Imperialism in Africa

  • 1400

    Golden Age of Exploration

    Europeans begin to sail around africa to improve their wealth
  • 1500

    Enslaved People

    Traders begain to sell african guns and goods in exchange for slaves.
  • 1500

    Trading Post

    The Europeans begain to build trading post
  • Colonizing

    Europeans were taking over another county for resources.
  • Europeans take over Africa

    The Europeans had taken over almost all of Africa
  • South America Independence

    South America gained its independence from Great Britain.
  • Political Fight

    The people of Kenya begin a organization to fight for freedom from Great Britain.
  • Italy Invades

    The only country not uncolonized was Ethiopia which was then invaded by Italy.
  • Ghana Introduces

    Ghana introduces Kwame Nkrumah a idea of Pan- Africanism
  • Afrikaners

    The Afrikaners made a policy of separation based on race.
  • Rebeling

    Africans began to rebel against colonization.
  • Sudan Independence

    Sudan gains their independence from Great Britain.
  • Ghana's Independence

    Ghana gains its Independence
  • Belgium Congo

    The Belgium Congo gained its independence.
  • Kenya Independence

    It took many years for Kenya to gain its independence.
  • Mandela Arrest

    Mandela was arrested and faced life in prison.
  • Joseph Mobutu

    Joseph Mobutu gained power over the Belgium Congo.
  • Nigeria Suffering

    Nigeria experienced suffering because of fighting between many different ethnic groups.
  • Igbo People

    The Igbo People attempted to become independent.
  • F.W. de Klerk

    F.W. de Klerk became president of South Africa.
  • Apartheid End

    F.W. de Klerk announces the end of the Apartheid and releases Nelson Mandela from jail.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nelson Mandela receives the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Rwanda

    Rwanda continues to experience violence.
  • South Africa Elections

    Nelson Mandela was elected as the new president of South Africa
  • Tunisia People

    The Tunisia People started to stir the pot for a democratic government.
  • Hosni Mubarak resignes

    Hosni Mubarak had been forced to resign as the president of Egypt.
  • Ben Ali

    Ben Ali resigned as president and a democratic was elected as president.
  • Qaddafi

    Qaddafi was kidnapped and killed
  • Mohammed Morsi leads a government

    Mohammed Morsi replaces Mubarak and leads the government
  • Mohammed Morsi Goverment

    Mohammed Morsi Goverment was taken over by military and he was put in prision.