Impact of ICT

  • First Computer Invented

    Charles Babbage invented the first computer, it was called th Difference engline, it could only do maths.
  • The first 3D movie

    The first 3D film was released in Decemeber 1815, it was Disney themed, it took place at Astor Theatre, New York.
  • First Electronic computer invented

    The Atanasoff–Berry Computer (ABC) was one of the first electronic digital computing devices made by Clifford Berry and John Atanasoff.
  • First Video Game invented

    The first video game invented was called Spacewar. It was released in February 1962
  • First computer mouse

    The computer mouse as we know it today was invented and developed by Douglas Englebart during the 60's.
  • Internet invented

    The history of the Internet began with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s, it was invented by Leonard Kleinrock, Robert Taylor helped create the idea of the network
  • First e-mail sent

    In late 1971, the first e-mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson.Later, a number of more general mail protocols were developed.
  • BBC iPlayer

    BBC iPlayer was first launched, this allows people to catch up on TV they missed on the BBC channels
  • Magnetic trainlines

    To save electricity, i think trains will use magnetic forces to save fuel too
  • no desktop computers just ipads

    a future prediction is that nobody will own a desktop computer, because they are taken over by ipads and tablets.