
immigration & westward expansion

  • Period: to


  • emmigrate from Germany

    emmigrate from Germany
    a man was walking on my property, i yelled at him to get off but he kept walking around trampoling my barely crops i yelled at him again, he didn't listen, i grabbed my rifle and gave him his last warning, he kept walking, so then i shot him in the chest i went over to the body to identify him, it was a soldier, one of the 7,000 in konisberg. i could hear yelling and the and the clack of a squad of horses feet on the paved roads, i was now a fugitive.
  • arrived in America

    arrived in America
    i did it i have arrived at ellis island i was free all i needed to do was get through the criminal inspection, i was nervous. i met a Norweigan man named Swan, he is a nice guy and we liked all the same stuff
  • inspection (extension to arrival)

    inspection (extension to arrival)
    i was next in line for the criminal inspection i had sat here for a whole day, the news has probably already gotten out about that soldiers death in Konisberg, they had everything they needed to just say i did it i was one of the only Germans in the line so i was obviously scared. but i needed this the inspector said "sir have you ever been incarcerated?" and i replied "no." the inspecter waited and stared at me then he said, "welcome to America."
  • logger in New York

    logger in New York
    i needed some money, i couldn't get by with nothing obviously i decided to go out to the forests on the outer part of the state and start chopping wood, it wasn't great but it was a start. i needed to get further west i would be safe working as a logger for now but i needed to maximize the amount of range from my own country, i needed to get to the Washington territory.
  • a not so merry christmass

    a not so merry christmass
    it was christmas in newyork, lots of work and lots of cash influx for my work line! i was walking home and decided to buy a new coat for mine was far to worn out but as i am to walk into the store a man knocks me to the ground and steals my money by the time i am up and turn to see where he was running he was gone.... great i was broke on christmas.
  • gathering supplies

    gathering supplies
    i needed to start moving west soon i started to chop extra wood in the forests to keep for myself so that i could start on my journey
  • purchasing a wagon

    purchasing a wagon
    i have purchased a wagon now it was time to start moving, so long New York!
  • arriving in Philidelphia

    arriving in Philidelphia
    i have arrived in philidelphia and i have strted to look for a job so that i can purchase more food and other supplies to get me up to the washington territory.
  • blacksmith

    i got a job as a black smith in philidelphia it seems to be pretty high paying
  • job switch

    job switch
    the big city life was cruel there was crime everywhere just like in manhatten and i didn't like it so i started to move west as a track layer
  • chicago

    i have been track laying for a while now and i have decided that it is time fopr me to start moving to the washington territory so that i can start to rebuild the life i had when i left Germany
  • traveling

    i have left chicago with a wagon and a rifle in hand, now all i need to do is get to the territory
  • prepare for war if you wish for peace

    prepare for war if you wish for peace
    i have purchased many goods in chicago as i have now started to depart the city i am noticing that i may need some protection because the world is dangerous and i will need to protect my supplies from raiders
  • encounter

    as i travel through the forests i know i am almost at my target when a group of horsemen appear out of a clearing as i am about to greetthem, they pull pistols out and say "give us the wagon."
    and before they finish saying the word wagon i had my weapon drawn and a bullet put in one's chest, i chambered another and hit the other in the head however he did get a shot of and it looks like i will have to hurry, he hit my fresh water tank
  • arrival

    after many encounters i have ruch the ideal spot in the washington territory, it is plentiful with wide tall pine trees with rich dark soil by the sea coast
  • a fit home

    a fit home
    after years of chopping wood and going back and forth between the trade post i have built a house and a small dock area for boat i built to go fish, i have a fit home with a barley farm it is just like my life in germany until i shot the trespasser when i was 19
  • a not so lonely winter

    a not so lonely winter
    winter is often a time of isolation from the rest of the nation but today is a special day and the washington territory is now a new state so i am seeing more people in the area
  • friends

    it was the beggining of Spring and i was out loking for some furs when i stumbled across a bear i then shot and missed imediatley following the shot i heard a scream i sprinted toward the bush where it came from, over the bushes other side of the bushes a group of people were gathering berries and these were no natives, i met new pioneers
  • Fur hunting

    Fur hunting
    i have picked up the hobby of fur hunting, the region has many bears, foxes, beavers, and other animals that would give me good income from trade
  • buisiness

    i have built a sucessful lumber buisness, my main store operates out of the port city of seattle
  • ww1 starts

    ww1 starts
    the Austro-Hungarian archeduke Franz Ferdinad has been shot by bosno-serb. gravilo princip. franz bled out on the way to a hospital in sarajevo. the austrians are squaring up for war with serbia and have gained my country's support! no doubt this is just because of serbia's ally Russia, france will help russia because they are allies and britain dosn't find france dying benificial so they would help... by god a war on a biblical scale is about to start.