
Immigration Timeline (Johnny Frails- Scotland)

  • Period: to

    Time in America

  • Arrival

    I had finally got here to America and when i first stepped foot on the small island it was great. The people who worked there were nice and all I had to do was answer some questions and pass a medical exam. But before I got out two of the men that were on the ship with me were taken away becasue they did not pass the medical exam. It was a big stuggle because the men were fighting back but I got out of there safe.
  • Chaos in Boston

    Chaos in Boston
    I had finally made it to America and right now i was in boston. It was crazy here right when i got here there were people trying to sell me stuff and I didn't even have enough room for me to walk through the crowded area without getting bumped or pushed. Right when a man offered me a hat hand from his collection a little child stole one of his hats but he didnt see. Then a mnute later he accused me of stealing but i got out of there safely. Then i found a room and later i would find a job.
  • Job in Boston

    Job in Boston
    I started looking for jobs to pay for my room clothing and food. Immediatly i found a job for a meat packing company. This job did not pay well but it would get me by until I moved on with my life to the West. Ive made some friends who came from Ireland so its not that bad. Even though my boss is mean i dont see him that often.
  • Journey to find land

    Journey to find land
    I had traveled west to find land and to settle down. On the day of the race I had prepared for was havoc. When the race began a man that I had drinks with before was shot half a mile from where we started in front of me (over land). This shot went through his head and he was instatnly dead. I pretended like i didnt see the death of this man because there were more imprortant things for me to do. Atlast I had found land with trees a stream and a huge open feild for me to start my farm.
  • Beginning of my farm

    Beginning of my farm
    I have taken my land and already started to build a farm. Im working 14 hours a day to get it started and i have already built my house and the beginning of my barn. On top of that I have met a girl who is now living with me and we plan on starting a family. Im getting support from everyone in town and my life is just about settled.
  • Settled family

    Settled family
    My farm is complete and i am making lots of money. Married my wife and now we have two twin children who are two weeks old. Making lots of money and being able to provide for my family and for my animals in the barn. Made lots of friends who live close by. Everyone in my family is healthy. All and all I have settled down and made my life.