Birth of Genowefa (Genevieve) Binkowski
I was born on January 3, 1840 in Krakow , Poland. I lived a happy childhood as an only child. My parents had quite a bit of money and a lot of friends from our Roman Catholic Church. When I was 19, both my parents died from tuberculosis. I really wanted to start my own life in America, like many people did at the time, so I decided to move. I was hoping for freedom to do whatever I wanted, without a queen and king ruling over me. I also heard that the Americans pay more than people do here. -
Immigrating to America
My final decision was to move to Sacramento, California. A few of my friends moved there, and never came back to Poland. I thought that meant there is work in that state, so I took my chances. After traveling one month by boat, I finally arrived! Today, an American man named Johnny White walked up to me and invited me to rent an apartment in a building he owns. He told me since I was new, he wouldn't make me pay the renting cost for the first couple of months, so I accepted! -
Happy Couple
Johnny was my boyfriend for almost a year. Everyday, townspeople would make fun of us, and some would even threaten Johnny to break up with me. People didn't believe that people born in two different countries could date each other. Even Johnny's family didn't want us to be together. But despite all the hardships, Johnny asked if I would marry him on April 30, 1861. I said yes, and we decided to have a secret wedding 2 months later. -
Moving Day
On July 10th, 1861, Johnny and I left Sacramento, California on horseback. We were heading to mine for gold in Magalia. We were heading to a mine in the Feather River Canyon at the Willard Claim. We went there to find a gold nugget bigger than the 54 pound one that was found in 1859. We had no luck at all, and didn’t find any gold. We decided to stay in Magalia, where Johnny would be a farmer. Johnny and I started a family, too. We had 6 kids between the years of 1862 and 1873. -
Johnny Dies
My husband, Johnny died on June 30, 1873. He died from a heart attack when farming. It felt like my life was ruined. I never needed a job, because Johnny would raise money for the family. Now that I'm unemployed, I have to sell the farmland because the bills are piling up. People told me about the jobs available in Arkansas. So, a month after Johnny's death, my children and I traveled by train to Little Rock. -
War has ended
Finally the Brooks-Baxter War has ended. This was a war that happened during the months of April and May 1874. It took place in different areas of Arkansas including Little Rock. It was a conflict between Joseph Brooks and Elisha Baxter who both wanted to be governor. One of my sons was killed in this terrible war. One day I told him to go to the store to get me some flour, and I told him the safest way to travel to and from the store. On the way home, he wandered off, and got caught in the -
War has ended CONTINUED
crossfire of one of the skirmishes that was occurring because of the war. He was one of about 200 people killed in the war. -
Missing California
I miss California so much. I feel like my family isn't safe at all in Little Rock. Ever since my son died 6 years ago, life here hasn't been the same. The KKK is in this town, and it is out to get all of the African Americans. It's come to the point that I'm scared to let my children leave the house. I've decided that I will get on a train to San Francisco. I have heard about the new glass factories being built there, and the good pay. If I get all my girls to work there, I'm sur -
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get all my girls to work there, I'm sure we will be rich! -
San Francisco
Right now in San Francisco, my whole family has jobs. I feel like I don't have anytime to see them because we are all so busy. The factory managers don't pay as much as I expected, and they really work us hard. Every night, we don’t get any family time because we are so tired from the day's work. We don't get any vacation days from working , and I can't call in sick or else I'll loose my job. I tell my kids not to complain and to be lucky we have jobs. I can't believe I told my k -
San Francisco CONTINUED
to be lucky we have jobs. I can't believe I told my kids not to complain when I'm complaining myself. Why does life have to be so complicated? -
Scarlet Fever
I got scarlet fever and I'm very sick. The doctor says I will die in just a matter of days. I feel very sick, and tired. My oldest daughter actually just died from this a few days ago. I feel so bad that my kids will be living on their own. I think I will take a little nappppppp...