
immigration and westward expansion

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    Immigrationg and westward expansion

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    immigration and westward expasntion

  • Going to America

    Going to America
    our family is traviling from spain to america for a new and improved life. recently our mom died in a horrible fire along with our house and crops. we are in search for new land and and new jobs. we want new land so we can build a new house and more crops to raise more money to help our father who is also sick, i am in need for a job so i can provide for my two brothers and dad
  • Getting a new job

    Getting a new job
    for the past year, life in america has been great. we have been able to be blessed with new land and farming areas. i got a job working in a chiken factory, the pay isnt great but, it does help my family. only downside is that the new immigrants are having to work extra and we are getting paid very little for the job. once i get enough money i am going to take me and my family out west for an even better life as we know it now.
  • Serving jail time

    Serving jail time
    recently i have been caught for stealing. i had stole lots of foods and goods from a very richman, who i thought didnt need it. i stole all of this food so my family could eat and not starve to death. with my farther being sick, the family is counting on me to provide food and land for them. i got spotted by the richman as he was riding his beautiful black stallion. the richman cuaght me and threw me in jail immideatly for four years.
  • Heading West

    Heading West
    about 2 months ago i was let out of jail and am taking my familiy out west in my wagon. i have made just enough money for us to start heading west. this was tricky because we needed to find new land and a new job. i am planning to start small and get lots of more land when i get a new job and a new house. i want to start small so that i can build a new house and get the right materials to provide for me and my family. my father is becoming more sick and getting even harder to help him out.
  • expanding on new land

    expanding on new land
    now that my familiy and i are all setteled in with our new house and land, i would like to expand on my land so i can farm more and try to make more money for my farther. even though we are a small familiy i believe that we can manage a big farm now that me and my brothers are getting bigger. we are trying to purchase plow horses to make the farming easier
  • My funeral

    My funeral
    i haveonce again gotten into trouble. about 3 months ago i stole more supplies and foods from my neighbor, he caught me, but instead of putting me in jail again, he shot me with his rifle. he left me to die there by myself. my wife found me crawling and laying in the feilds. as i was telling her what happened she was holding me in her arms. i had died in my feilds with my beautiful wife. she had held my funeral under a huge oak tree. all of my goods had gone to the rest of my family.