Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Potatoe Crop Fugues Disease Hits

    Potatoe Crop Fugues Disease Hits
    The potatoes are now infecfted with the fungus that has been spreading through the country. My younger brother and some of my other family members are getting sick. My parents say they are now longer safe to eat, and potatoes were our main source of food.
  • Potatoe Fungues Disease llness Spreads Quickly.

    Potatoe Fungues Disease llness Spreads Quickly.
    More people are announced very ill from the potatoe disease. Many poeple are moving out, lots are strarving. People are having a lot of trouble finding food. No longer is my family growing potatoes on our land, many of the houses around us have stopped too. My dad said something about immigrating to America. It sounds like a wild idea.
  • Packing For America

    Packing For America
    My dad has decided to send me and my older brother off to America, we're leaving in a hurry. He is too sick to come along with us, my mom is staying to take care of him. We leave in a couple of weeks, im nervous and sad to be leaving, but i hear good things about America.
    Because of the crop potatoe fungus that is spreading all throughout Ireland, and making many families sick, and also causing people to suffer through starvation, my brother and I are headed to America.
  • Leaving Ireland, Heading to America

    Leaving Ireland, Heading to America
    Today, we board the boat to go to America. The ship will take about 2 months to reach Ellis Island, im glad my brother will be there with me, Im sad to leave my parents behind, but i plan to send them letters as soon as I get there.
  • Passing through Ellis Island

    Passing through Ellis Island
    Sevral months ago when i reached Ellis Island, The crowd was very busy and the building to get passed through was filled with lines. My brother and I are both healthy, but it took them a while to let us both through together. Today we go to America, my brother and i are headed to California, for the Gold Rush, hoping to earn ourselves some money!
  • Gold Rush Doesnt Make Us Much Money

    Gold Rush Doesnt Make Us Much Money
    After living in California for many years, the California Gold Rush hasnt been making us much money. Because of the Gold Rush not making us much money, we have decided to head west near the Oklahoma area. We are desperate for money and we hear there is much free land that is needed to be givin to someone to live on. My brother and I think this is a perfect chance for us to have our own farm and make some money. I like the idea of living in the West.
  • Leaving California, Heading to Oklahoma

    Leaving California, Heading to Oklahoma
    A group pilgrims are leaving California today and travling to Oklahoma. My brother and I, and a couple of other people we know, are among this group. They say the trip will take about two months, I hope we get a new start when we get to Oklahoma.
    Because of two month journey to Oklahoma, i dont want to carry many things with me. Im only taking my small bag of nesscary items. Im leaving the rest behing, which wasnt much.
  • Reaching Oklahoma

    Reaching Oklahoma
    As soon as I get to Oklahoma, I see so much open land and imagine myself living on it, with horses and crops and everything! There is going to be a race held to see who gets what land. My brother does well in horse riding, im confident that he'll win something for us! ill be right by his side racing with him. I cant wait.
  • The Race for Land

    The Race for Land
    Earlier today was the race for land, many were participating. I was ready on my horse that my brother and I had purchased a few days ago. The race started and immediatly, many people dropped out. Wagons broke, horses tripped, people got injured. Halfway, my horse tripped over a huge rock in the middle of the the grass, and we toppled over. Luckily, i didnt get too injured, just a scraped knee. I got right back up, forced up my horse and we kept going. In the end. My brother had sped ahead of me.
  • Living on our own Land

    Living on our own Land
    At the end of the race, see my brother by a flag, and he sticks it into the ground, decalring it ours, this was a couple weeks ago. We now have lived on this land for almost a month, im not planning on staying here forever. I plan to go out and leave this land for my brother, he is the one who earned it after all. I keep in touch with my parents, my dad has been feeling better, so ive been encouring my parents to come live with us. I cant wait to see what lies ahed of me