I was born, me Abigail Rose Benson
I, Abigial Rose Benson was born on March 18,1873 at 2:13 am. I was born into a very religuse Family, with one mom, one dad, and one older sister. I was the youngest of our family. Being in a small family gave my parents the oppertunite to treat use like gold. It's true we were spoiled. We got everything we wanted. During my birth the British steamer RMS Atlantic sinks off Nova Scotia killing 547. -
The Passing of a Loved One
One December 31, 1877 it was the tradgic passing of my grandma. She dies peacfully in her sleep, but what caused her death was the flu. She had such a high fever that it took her life. During that time, Blantyre mining disaster killed 207 one of Scotland’s worst-ever mining accident. Also the Cabinet decided to declare war on Russia if it occupied Constantinople in the Russo-Turkish War, so my grandmas death was one of the many forgotten deaths. -
Starting School
I wanted to become a teacher and travel the world to share my knowledge. I wanted to help the others, that couldnt learn. My mother enrolled me in an all girls school acdimey. She didnt want me in public school because she feared i would get hurt by the boys. During the time I was in school the University of London becomes the first in the UK to admit women on equal terms with men. Thats the college that I wanted to attend because I knew that's were my dreams would come true. -
I was true, I graduated from school a the top of my class, with the ability to go to college of my dreams and become a teacher. My life was on it's way. Just aboutt to take of, but during that time London dockers strike for a minimum wage of sixpence an hour ("The dockers' tanner"), which they eventually receive, a landmark in the development of New Unionism. this put a little break of following in my dreams. -
The man
During my time of waiting, I found a guy. This guy was special there was true chemistrey. They way he smiled and cared made me feel like the most special girl in the world. It alone took a couple of months of are ture love to get married, one August 25 1892 thats when my dreams came true, during the time, Death of Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, second in line to the throne. Next in line is his younger brother Prince George. Even when all was sad, you would find us together laughing. -
My life was over
My life ended, i couldnt breath, sleep or think. I thought are love was forever, but it ended to soon. My love Peter Graves had past. He was in a deadly car crash, all it took was 5 seconds for the drunk driver to kill my love. During that time, In an underground explosion at Tylorstown Colliery, Rhondda, 57 miners are killed. It looks like all of us go through losing a loved one. -
Found God
I found god. He was my light, my savier. I knew that i would have to give back from my sins, so i became involved with my churches missonary group. I looked around for oppertunites but there was none, so i decided to go to America, I needed to start over from my husbands passing, and to spread christianitey to everyone. I gatherd only the important things, My great grandmas wedding ring, and a trunk of clothes, and ran to the docks were I was quickley able to bored the boat. -
I got off the boat slowley. As soon I stepped off the boat I was welcome into a huge crowd. It took me awhile to get into the way life was lived there. I got a job in the missionary group and we traveld west to spread christianite to the Native American. And so we did are group carred for the Native Americans like they were are own children, they trusted us and we trusted them. On eveMonday we would gather and have a fest. That's the end of my adventures, but theres always the next chapter.