What life was like in Italy
Although I love Italy there were no jobs or money. Life was hard but I knew it would get better once I moved to America. when I was growing up my father and mother were always looking for more jobs so we could have food on our plates and a house. I only have ten more years then I can go to America. -
I arrive in America at Ellis Island
I arrived at America Ellis Island. I have no idea how to speak English. Although I love Italy there were no jobs or money. Life was hard but I knew it would get better as I learned english. Although some Americans were not very nice I just ignored them and kept going. -
Getting a new house
I made my way over to California to see my new roommate. All I knew about her was that she had come from Italy as well. And I was very excited. Because we could both learn English at the same time. -
Life so far in America
So far America is great I learned how tospeak english a few years ago and I have a really good job but my boss isn't the nicest but I still work. I'm a waitress I get really good tips probaly because I am always happy me and my roommate split the rent which is really easy and we each take turns buying food.We are really good friends. -
I get a new pet
As I was walking home from a hard day at work one day, I turned a corner to see a small shivering puppy. I took it home because it was so cold outside when I got in the door my roommate Alessandra (who abslotely loves dogs) freaked out cause she had always wanted a dog.