
Ellis Island Autobiography, M. Gehr

By GehrTUX
  • Birth

    I was born on May 5, 1861. I grew up with my mom and dad in a small town in Italy working with my parents at the restaurant I was 19 when tragedy struck. My mom got a severe illness and it spread to my dad. They passed away after about 2 weeks. I had no money, and the restaurant was taken from me. On June 10, 1880 I made the choice to move to America, at age 19, to start a better and new life. I writing this autobiography so that people know what my life was like during the 1880's.
  • Medical Exam

    Medical Exam
    The medical exam was very hard to see. Many people were sick and dying. The nurses were very strict. I have to admit I cried a little. Seeing those people made me think of my parents. They died suddenly, and I can’t believe that they are gone. I passed the medical exam, but I promise you I will never forget that experience.
  • Kissing Post

    Kissing Post
    When I was 18 I had a husband. He came over to America to get a job. I told him that i would miss him and if I ever came over to America to meet me at the kissing post. When I reached the kissing post I was so glad to see him waiting for me. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug and kiss. I didn't have a place to stay so he took me home to his apartment. I was going to stay their until i could find a job.
  • The Shooting

    The Shooting
    I had lived in his apartment for about week now. I was looking for a job when it happened. I had come home and when I oppened the door my husband was laying their on the floor with blood on his chest. He had been shot! Almost everything was stolen out of his apartment. Honestly, i cried alot. Not because i missed him, but because i was alittle scared of New York now.
  • My new job

    My new job
    After about 2 days of mourning I knew that I had to continue with my life. I had to face my fears of New York, and not be a baby. I countinued looking for many jobs. Even though it’s low pay and long hours the only job I could find was to work in a garment factory. It’s not the best job, but since I have to take care of the apartment myself now I had to take the job. My boss is actually kind of nice. Also, I made a new friend, Mary!
  • My new life

    My new life
    My job isn't that fun, but I got very good at it quick, and my boss just gave me a raise. Right now I’m saving up to become my own boss. I’m saving up to open my own restaurant, just like my parents. Also, my friend Mary and I are going out to dinner tonight! She’s the only person I actually know in the garment factory. Also, I found out that we only live a block away. I can’t wait to start my new life in the big city!