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Iberian peninsula

Iberian Peninsula

By E.T.
  • Peninsular War

    Peninsular War
    War between Spain and Napoleon's France that ended on April 12, 1814. The war played a major part in Naploeon's downfall.
  • Gibraltar named colony

    Gibraltar named colony
    Gibraltar became a colony of the Crown. It's important because without the British crown, Gibraltar wouldn't be a colony.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Portugal has a civil war. It was important because it lead to a Coup style of government.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    5 month war over Spanish colonies like Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico. It showed that America could expand.
  • Spain Becomes Republic

    Spain Becomes Republic
    Spain becomes its own republic. Electoral win caused the King Alfonso XIII to leave his throne.
  • Portugal Joins NATO

    Portugal Joins NATO
    Portugal became one of the founding members of NATO. It is important because they have more help from other NATO members.
  • Portugal joins UN

    Portugal joins UN
    Portugal joined the United Nations. This is important because United Nations helps keep peace around the world.
  • Portugal joins EFTA

    Portugal joins EFTA
    1 of 7 countries to form the European Free Trade Association. It allowed them to trade among other European nations.
  • Gibraltar votes for British sovereignty

    Gibraltar votes for British sovereignty
    majority votes in favor of continued British sovereignty. Without the British rule, they wouldn't exsist.
  • Gibraltar gets new constitution

    Gibraltar gets new constitution
    Britain government introduces new constitution. Made Gibraltar self dependent.
  • Women suffrage in Andorra

    Women suffrage in Andorra
    Women obtain the right to vote in Andorra. This gave women more rights and freedoms.
  • Gibraltar joins EEC

    Gibraltar joins EEC
    Gibraltar joins the European Economy Community. The EEC helped shape the European Union.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    Spain's new constitution established a parlaimentary monarchy. 91.8% voted for the new constitution. It brought stability to Spain.
  • Gibraltar given British citizenship

    Gibraltar given British citizenship
    Gibraltian granted full British citizenship. This is important because Great Britian was a strong power in Europe. That allowed Gibraltar to have stability and protection.
  • Executive branch in Andorra

    Executive branch in Andorra
    Andorra received the first executive branch of gov't. Receiving an executive branch of government is important because it allows Andorra to use democratic ways.
  • Spain Joins NATO

    Spain Joins NATO
    Spain joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This is important because Spain has over 100 thousand military members.
  • Spain welcomes Gibraltar

    Spain welcomes Gibraltar
    Spain lifts the border blockade. This allows free trade between Spain and Gibraltar, making both economies more prosperous.
  • Portugal enters EU

    Portugal enters EU
    Portugal enters the European Union. This allows Portugal to get more economic help because they are one of the "shaky five".
  • Andorra signs with EU

    Andorra signs with EU
    Andorra signs customs union with the European Union. This is important because they get an advantage even though they aren't a member of the EU.
  • Andorra adopts a new constitution

    Andorra adopts a new constitution
    Reduces power of the two princes making them legally independent. They also joined the United Nations. This brings economic stability.
  • New currency

    New currency
    All currency in Spain is replaced by the Euro. This brought stability and prosperity
  • Andorra's population at 80,000

    Andorra's population at 80,000
    Andorra's population reached 80,000 and their life expectancy is the highest in the world. Move to Andorra if you want to live.
  • Andorra eases banking secrecy rules

    Andorra eases banking secrecy rules
    Tried to ease banking secrecy rules that helped other countries pursue tax evaders. This put Andorra on the map by helping other countries with tax evasion.
  • Labor unions in Portugal

    Labor unions in Portugal
    Labor unions in Portugal held strike opposing austerity measures. Important because it told other countries to stand up for themselves