Nuetrality Act of 1937 (Economic)
In American Neutrality Act of 1937 the United States became forbidden from supplying weapons to any country involved the war. This was a economic because it occured though the buying and selling of supplies. This was signifacent because it kept the Unites Stated isolated like they wanted to be. -
Nuetrality Act of 1939 (Economy)
In these acts the United was now allowed to sell arms to the Axis powers replacing the nuetrality acts of 1937. These acts were so important because it created a side that America would support while still remaining in the form of isolationalism. This made a impact because it made a sense that showed that FDR wanted to enter the war. -
Cash and Carry (Economy)
These acts were ammendments to the nuetrality acts which allowed countries to buy goods from the united states but with shipping not included. They were also forced to pay with cach making it ecomonically based. This was important because it not only provided jobs but also helped the United States fuel France and Britian. -
Naval Expansion Act (Political)
The acts was sighned to increase the amount to naval soliders that could be in the United Sates Navy. This was a sighnificanrt event because it showed the first signs that the United States were building up their armed forces.This was also important because it began once again to show that FDR wanted to be in the war. It was also significant because it created a small sense to protect themselves from attacks from Japan. -
Jim Crow Laws (Social)
Jim Crows laws were laws passed in the 1940s that were extremely racist used to cause segratation. These laws were significent to the war because they did cause the entrance of blacks to war and they also caused pushes for segragation movements. They were important because they were eventually over turned my the constitution as well. -
STSA United States Draft (Political)
Was the event and time that the United States drafted American men during the begining of the World War 2. This was important because it enabled the United States to be semi ready and it also showed once again that FDR wanted to fight beside of England and fight in the war. It was also very important because political it began to give more power to FDR. -
FDR wins Election (Political)
Roosevelt continues his dominance and grows another victory over Republican candidate Wendell Wilkie, winning his third presidential election. This was significant because no other president had done this. Also in the future it caused an ammendment that limited term limits. It was also important because it showed how FDR could continue to reign. -
Arsenal of Democracy Speech (Political)
The speech was a promise that FDR said in behalf of the United States promising help Great Britian fight the Nazis. The indirst promise was inpotant because it cause Hilter to become anger with FDR's choice. This also angered him because it created another way that FDR wanted to get invloved in the war. -
Atlantic Charter (Political)
Was a treaty signed my the Allied Powers explaining what the goals of the motives of the Untied Sates. This was a sighnifacent event because it caused real consent of what the Unites States wanted. It was again to also imprtant because it created hate with the Axis powers and FDR wanted to go to war. -
United Service Organizations (Social)
In this event the US created this organization that would socially connect troops with cilivians with the use of public entertainment. This organization was significent because it helped win the war by providing supplies. It was also important because it created a sense of relief for some soldiers in returing home to the society. -
Lend-Lease Act (Economy)
Was a program in which the United States was enabled to lend supplies to the Allied powers during the period 1941-1945. This was important to the United Sates because it created jobs for the Americans and other workers, boosting the economy. It also imprtant because it created a bigger sense that FDR wanted to be involed in the war. -
Selling War bonds (Economy)
At this time FDR agreed to the selling of war bonds of the Unites States to cilivians to help support the war using the money. This was a significant event because it not only helped regulate the economy but also helped the war department recieve more money. It was also important because gain nationalism to the people of the country. -
Office of Price Administation (Economy)
In this the Unites States with an Excecutive Order created a branch to help reguate prices and rationing during the war. This was a significent event because it created the idea of total war. It showed that American were their to win it and it also showed that their was an increase in jobs which allowed this to do this. Lastly it was important because the goverment becamke more and more invloved. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor (Military)
The attack of Pearl Harbor was the attack that the Japanese airforce had on the ports of Pearl Harbor. The attack was a military form and was significant because it caused the United States to enter the war. It would eventually cause the war with the European Theatre and lead the allies powers to victory. -
United States declared War on Japan (Political)
In this political event the United States declared war on Japan after Pearl Harbor. This was politcal because it had to be passed by congress. This was signicant because it cause not only created war with Japan but with Germany and Italy to. This eventually lead to the victory of the Allied powers over Axis Powers. -
The Great Depression 1929-1940s (Economy)
Although their wasnt a exact date in which the depression ended, the depression was a American recession in which jobs and emplyment were low. The end of the depression was a significant date because it meant that jobs and emplyment were at a rise and the United States could support the war and become a super power to win the war. -
National War Labor Board (Economy)
Was an acency that renewed my FDR to prevent work stoppages in jobs like mining, shipping airways, and automoblies. The purpose was this was basically to create jobs to support the war. This was important because it not only boosted the economy to take the United States out to the war but also to rise production and maintain the war. -
War Production Board ( Economy)
Was an organization created in order to maintain the amount of fuels and other war time goods. This was a significent event because it was a reason why the United States were able to create so much goods in so little time. This was aslo important because it in couraged the war though the eyes of the Americans. -
Office of War Mobilization (Economy)
Was a acency in creating jobs in the moblization buiness during WW2 but also to maintain as much war efforts to war by using some curfues. This was a significant event because it was another event that helped the United States win the war by providing war efforts but it also increase the number of jobs avaible to increase the economy. -
Executive Order 9066 (Social)
This was an order by the president allowing the army to take people to restricted areas in order to protect the nation. This was significent because it was a racial attack of the Japanese due to the attack of Pearl Harbor, that were basically put as prisoners of war. They were also significent because they lead to trials and also creates internal controversy. -
Executive Order 9095 (Social)
In this order aliens were forced to pay more taxes on their properties all based on racism and discrimination. These were very important becasee they created the baby steps for Japanese Interment and also showed the fear that the United States had to the Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor. -
Public Proclamation No. 3 (Social)
In this proclaimation the Japanese were set to a bedtime within the interment camps due to their alleged sabotaguors. These were also significent because they showed how the counrty was so in fear of these Japanese. It also showed how president roosevelt was over using his power and giving to much power to the military -
Women's Army Corps (WAC) (Social)
In this event women in an organization that served as a auxilary unit in the world war aid. Most of these women came from Texas due to the pass of an order. This was a significant event because women were socially gaining more right in the US goverment. It was also important because they were now thought as almost equal to men. -
Battle of Midway (Military)
In this event the Empire of Japan and the United States in and for the pacific island of Midway. This battle was significant because it prevented from the Japanese from creating a Prosperity Sphere. It was also important because it was the point were America started winning battles and pushing the Japanese back to Japan. -
Bracero Program (Social)
This was a program in which the United States called for Mexicans to work in American labor such as agricultural farms. This was a very signifiacent event because it was a main reason that the United States was able to produce so much so the war efforts. It was also importance because it created a multic cultural basis in the US. -
Battle of Guadalcanal (Military)
In this event the Marines of the United States protected themselves from an attack of the Japanese. This military event was significant because it stopped the Japanese from building a Naval and airforce base. This was important because it would allow the Japanese to control a grand scale of the Pacific leaving it in control. -
The Manhattan Project (Military)
This was the begining of the miliary research for the creation of the atomic bomb. This was in the military section because it was bomb created strictly for the use of the military. The manhattan project was significant because it lead to the creation of the two atomic bombs that ended the world war. It also allowed for nuclear research so reactors and energy. -
March on Washington Movement (Social)
Was a social protest that protested racism in the Unites States though character. The marchs continued for years but segnificent because they protested the fact that FDR needed African American workers to fight for the war. This was significant because it was the first pushes for the end of segratation and equal rights. -
Operation Torch (Military)
In the operation American and other forces invaded the French part of North Africa. The military event was sighnifacent because it eventually created a two front war with the Soviets. The event was also significant because it took out the Italians and Nazis from North Africa and allowed for military advancement in the war. -
Detroit Race Riot (Social)
In this riot in Detriot, whites and blacks faught for three days killing each other and wounding more than three hundreds. These riots were important and significant because they emphasised the internal racial problems that America was having. Although these riots pushed for the end of segratation, they caused a overal unity when it came to supporting the war from labor to compact. -
Women's Army Corps Service Medal (Social)
In this event women were being contributed to the second army of the United States during the second world war. This was a contribution cerimony that caused women to feel appriated. This was important because women were not able to being to gain rights becaused they lived and fought for the country and could now push for new rights. -
D-Day (Military)
D-Day was a military and amphibous landing of the Allied Powers in Normandy, France, including the United States. This military event was extremely significant due to the fact that it can he argued to been the changing factor of the war. The war gave not only France back to the Allies but turned the monentum of the war to the United States. -
Phillipines Campaign (Military)
In this event the United States lead by General MacArther returned to the Phillipines to liberate it from the Japanese in which it lead to sucess. This was significant event because it caused the United States to liberate its colony and also completed MacArthurs promise. It also showed signs of the ending to the Pacific War -
Yalta Conference (Political)
The Yalta conference was a conference in which Churchill, Stalin , and FDR discussed what was to ne done with Europe post the defeat of the axis in Europe. This conference was imprtant because it decided what was to be done with Germany and how it would be split up. It was also important because it discussed what would be done with the Pacific Theatre. -
Battle of Iwo Jima (Military)
In this even the Americans finished driving the Japanese out of Iwo Jima to capture the the island in the pacific war. This was significant because it gave America an easy lead over the war making them the favorite and securing the Pacific War to the United States. This was also important because it drove Japan back to the islands. This battle also conveyed how hard it would be to invade the Japanese islands due to their craziness. -
Death of FDR (Political)
In this FDR dies before the Pacfic war ended but after the unconstitutional surrender in Europe. This was a political event because it cause Truman to take power and it also created a sense of grief in the political power. This was sighnificant because it cause the very controversy drop of the atomic bomb. It was also importance because it caused a point of grief. -
V-E Day (political)
In this event it was the Allied accepted the unconditional surrender from the Axis powers of Germany. This was political because it cause for the end of the war and let the allied powers do whatever they wanted with Germany. This was signifacent because of this and also because it let the United States focus on the Pacific Theatre. -
Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima (Military)
In this military event the United States dropped the first atomic bomb called "Little Boy" on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This event was extremly sighnificant to the war because it caused for the second dropping of the bombs and created a sense of fear in the eyes of other countries. This was also significant because it absolutly destroyed the city. -
Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki (Military)
The military bombing of Nagasaki was when the United States ordered for the drop of the second atomic bomb, "Fat Man" in Japan. This event was signficant to the war because not only did it end the war but created the frame that the United States was armed, dangerous, and a super power. -
Japan Unconditional Surrender (Political)
In this Japan finally surrender to the United States after getting hit my two atomic bombs and the introduction to the Soviets. The reason with was political significant because it caused the United States politcal influence and control of the Pacfic Theatre. This was also signifacent because it caused the emperor of Japan to surrender and contol the reconstruction of Japan over soviet influence.