My Life

By M4k3ya
  • I was born

    I was born in Chicago,Illinois on february 8th 2010.i was meant to be born late january but due to complications i was not.Februar 8th (my birthday) is also a day before my moms birthday,which is february 9th.
  • I moved

    I was 2 years old when i moved to Cedar Rapids, this was also the age when my youngest sister was born.Before moving to Cedar Rapids I was living with my grandma in chicago.
  • Period: to

    I moved to Cedar Rapids from Chicago

  • I got my first pet

    My first pet was a hamster that i got when i turned 4 years old.I had this hamster for 3 months but because i didn't feed it enough the hamster died:(.
  • I learned how to swim

    When i was 8 years old i lived in an apartment that had a swimming pool. I did not know how to swim so i always stayed at home while everyone else went swimming.My dad then told me one day to come with him so he could teach me.It took me a few days but eventually I learned and now i can even do tricks.
  • I got a dog

    This year my aunt gave my family her dog after she moved.We named he Fendi and she now has a bed in the living room and we all have jobs for he like feeding her or walking her.