Human Rights Project

By Reed597
  • Introduction

    Nelson Mandela who was 95 when he died after a great life. He helped to end racial segregation and even went to jail for it. Also Nelson managed to come out of jail and become the first president of the new South Africa. Nelson was born in Transkei, South Africa and when growing saw the unfairness of how people were treated just for how they look and chose to fight it. That is a little bit of a intro to Nelson Mandela.
  • He was born

    He was born
    In 1918 Nelson Mandela was born, in Transkei, South Africa. When he was growing up he didn't have it great and decided to fight because he wanted it to be fair for every person, and everybody to have equal rights no matter what race,sex, or rich or poor it shouldn't matter.
  • Nelson joined the ANC

    Nelson joined the ANC
    To fight against racism Nelson and his friends created the ANC (African National Congress). THis did help for a while and kind of stopped racism a little bit in South Africa, but didn't end it. He and his friends made it after college when they became particularly interested in politics and noticed how messed up the laws were.
  • Treason

    In 1964 Nelson Mandela was convicted of treason in South Africa. He was convicted of plotting to overthrow the government because of racial inequality. At the end of his trial before he went to jail he made a long speech that talked about how South Africa belongs to everyone not one group.
  • Released from jail

    Released from jail
    Finally, after 27 years Nelson Mandela was freed in 1990 by South African president Willem De Klerk.
  • Presidency!

    After going through everything Nelson Mandela went through and all types of hardships, but at the end of it all he was elected president in South Africa. During his time as president he made laws of human rights, improved the economy, and helped education.
  • Death

    In 2013 Nelson Mandela passed away at the age of 95. He had made so many accomplishments going through jail, fighting for his rights, and changing all of South Africa for the better.