Period: to
Changes across human´s development
At this time a rapid growth occurs, the baby begins to adapt to the world right through their senses, your body begins to discover and identify the people you live with. is the stage of further development of the nervous system. the child learns to walk.in the infancy grows the teeth,brain grow and the bones ans muscles grow too. -
Period: to
human development
Early Childhood
Early Childhood
This stage is up to 3 years old,the child acquires many physical skills, is a very important growth stage, your brain is more developed at this stage. has learned to do some things without help and begins to identify what is good and what is bad. have needs for food and sleep in order to grow. -
This stage is up to 5 years old,This step is very important because the child acquires the ability to communicate through a language, also develops the personality. in the body continuous the muscular and the bones growing. -
Late Childhood
Physical: Age 6-12; weight gain; muscles develop; teeth loss and gain.
Mental: Increases rapidly; speech skills develop; reading and writing is learned; memory becomes complex; children become more adept at making judgements.
Emotional:Helps children become more independent and shows their personality.
Social: Children become more aware of the opposite sex. Late Childhood Development -
Adolescence or puberty
Sexual and other physical maturation that occurs during puberty is a result of hormonal changes. In boys, it is difficult to know exactly when puberty is coming. During these years, adolescents increase their ability to think abstractly and eventually make plans and set long-term goals.
Wants independence from parents.
Male-female relationships become important.
May be in love Adolescence or pubert -
Young Adulhood
Young adulthood is a time of dramatic change in basic thinking structures, as well as in the brain.
Greater complexity of thinking
Critical thinking
More integration of cognitive & emotional
Relationships based on shared values,mutuality
Respect for diversity
Modified risk-taking
Decisions based on future consequences & impact on others Young adulhood -
AdulthoodThe physical development in adulthood can be accompanied a loss of strength, vision sharpness, strength, and coordination. Cognitive development shows an average memory loss and a reduced ability to perform tasks requiring speed. The social and personality development is considered by some to be synonymous with "mid-life crisis" which heralds the reevaluation of one's life goals and accomplishments and can spur positive changes. The significant relationships are with marital partners and friends -
Old Age
Old Age
This stage is to 80 years or more,at this stage degenerative changes occur throughout the body(the skin becomes weak and wrinkled, the bones become brittle, hair turns white, decreased hearing and vision strength. which can also occur in the brain, there is a decrease in physical abilities, but is a very important age and experiences all that their knowledge can contribute to the community.