Moving to Anaheim
I was born in Santa Ana, CA and moving to Anaheim I think has had an impact in my life because my family now has our own house, when in Santa Ana we had an apartment and shared with my uncles. Moving to Anaheim has also affected me because if I hadn't come here I wouldn't have learned about the school I am in now or met my dearest of friends. -
Having a Baby SIster
In 2005 my little sister, Daisy, was born. I had always wanted a younger sister and my whole family and I were very glad to have her arrive. Ever since she was born i have learned more about being a responsible person since I am usually the one in charge of her and my other brother, Ricardo, who is 13. Without both of my siblings i don't think i would have learned enough about being responsible in life in general, not only school wise. -
My Mom Having to Work
Once my sister got a little older, my mom started working. I learned to accept the fact that my mom had to work in order to keep us where we were becasue it wouldn't be easy since having little kids can be expensive. From all of this I then learned to be more independant and again, continue being a responsible person. I also think this helped me learn to do more things, like cooking which is now something I normally help my mom do. -
Coming To Oxford
Before leaving elementary, my parents convinced me to take the Oxford exam, and I honestly didn't want to come to Oxford because I wasn't sure if I would be able to make friends all over again. After I passed the test I was then convinced again to come to school here and if I didn't like it, I would go back to my homeschool. I ended up enjoying Oxford and now that I am here I am actually afraid to leave. I like Oxford and all the great people I've gotten the chance to meet. -
Both Of My Grandparents In The Hospital
In the summer of 2010 both of my mom's parents went into the hospital. During these days my mom was always between home and the hospital. I remember seeing her worried almost all the time and since she was away so much I learned to be strong for her and our family. I was always supportive of her and I was like a second mom for my siblings at that time. -
My Grandpa's Death
On November 24, 2010 I was told that when I got home from school that we had to go to the hospital for an emergency. I knew right away that something was wrong but my parents seemed a bit too calm. Before leaving my mom told me my grandpa had died that morning. We both cried and later went to the hospital to say good-bye. Throughout the next few months I had to continue showing support and still be strong for my siblings since I knew my mom couldn't and my dad was busy getting her back up. -
My Quinceanera
A quinceanera is a very importat occasion for most hispanic families. I was lucky enough to have one, but I had to do my best to earn it. During my quinceanera I came to realize that I was finally becoming a woman and that I would soon have many more responsibilities. I was able to enjoy my party very much and it made me feel very grateful for the things I am able to have because many other girls wish they could have had a quince, and I did.