How Elijah Came To Be

By sim0602
  • Introduction to Soccer

    Soccer has been a big part of my life. My father introduced this sport to me and I am grateful for it. It has kept me fit, helped me learn social skills and overall bond with my friends.
  • Yes Brazil

    Yes Brazil is the first soccer training that I was signed up for. It was every friday at night and I wanted to go to this soccer training every friday. This soccer training helped me focus and let out my anger because when I was a child, I got angry very easily.
  • Anilton da Conceicao

    Anilton da Conceicao was my first soccer coach for Yes Brazil. He made a huge impact on my life by being a good role model and helping me improve my skills at soccer.
  • Auntie Clare

    I was four years old and I was starting to school. Growing up my helper took care of my siblings and I when my parents weren't home. She played with me and kept me company. She was the first helper that I ever had and I am grateful for her because she taught me how to be kind to others in difficult times.
  • Going to School

    Going to school was a big step for me. This was the first step to starting my education. Meeting new people was hard for me, but later in life I learned that that skill would carry out to different parts of my life.
  • Mrs. Crook

    This was my first grade teacher. She taught me the basics of mathematics and history. She was always nice to me, and even after I graduated from her first grade class, she kept saying hi to me everytime that I've seen her. This brings back memories to me, reminding me that I always have something to improve on.
  • Mr. Bensey

    Mr. Bensey is the most energetic teacher that I have met. He taught both my siblings and he always carried you when it was your birthday. No matter how heavy you were. He showed me that there was fun in learning. I will never forget the third grade chapel that we performed. With masks and big gloves.
  • Moving to the Philippines

    Moving to the Philippines helped me realize that I don't have to act for people to like who I am. We moved to the Philippines for a furlough. We thought it would be nice to have a change of scenery. I grew to like different ethnic groups and make new friends. I got more exercise and overall was a nicer human being. When we had to go back to Hong Kong, I was sad because I was leaving all the friends that I've made in that past year.
  • Joshua Hardaman

    He was one of my first friends in the Philippines. He helped me adapt to the culture of the Philippines. He invited me to his birthday party and updated me on the latest gossip. To this day I still talk to him and we reminisce about all the good time we had together.
  • Coming Back to ICS

    Coming back to ICS, I remembered most people. They complimented me on my health and told me how kind I was. This experience put me to the test. I had to be kind to the people that I was once mean to. This helped me build my good character.
  • Lucky Li

    Once I came back from Faith Acadamy, I was put in 5C. None of my friends from before were in the same class as I was so I had to make new friends. To this day Lucky has helped me through difficult times and we have grown closer the older we got.
  • Mr. White

    Mr. White was my 6th grade facegroup teacher. He introduced me to middle school and the trouble and tribulations that came with it. He taught me the fundamentals of time management and how to have fun doing it.
  • Mr. Simons

    Mr. Simons, being my dad always showed me what the right thing to do was. This year he was my math teacher. Teaching me the basics to math and how to have a good attitude towards learning. Being my dad he was always a good role model.
  • Mr. Tan

    Mr. Tan was one of my teachers a year before 2015. Now he is my roots group leader. He has been a trustworthy adult that I can look up to when I need guidance.
  • Moving to High School

    This was a big jump for me. Everything that I've learned is put into four years of my life. This transition has helped me with making my own independent choices. I think that high school has taught me how to treat everyone equally. You are exposed to more intergrade interactions.
  • Getting into the Philippine National Team

    This event solidified my love for soccer. I met many new people and got to play next to the best players in the Philippines for my age group. Throughout this process, I learned how to socialize and interact in a different environment. I learned how to take initiative and talk to the coach when I have questions. I also had to be efficient with my time. I had homework to catch up on and I have to use my time wisely.
  • Winning ACSC Soccer

    This was my first major tournament and it was overseas. Not knowing what was coming, I was prepared for everything. Many of my teammates were older than me and taught me many valuable lessons about teamwork and team spirit.
  • Anderson Wu

    Throughout elementary and middle school Anderson and I have been friends. In highschool we started to have more classes together and I got to know him better. We both keep each other in check and help each other grow closer to God.
  • Joining Drawing/Paining I

    Drawing/Painting has never been my strength. I chose to do this to try something new. It turns out that I loved it. It has helped me develop a more artistic side to me.
  • Winning ACSC Soccer V2

    This was my second tournament and this time we were hosting it. This tournament helped me realize that the better team doesn't always win. In order to win our entire team had to work their hardest and we came back from a 0-1 deficit.