Discoverd the shape of physical objects
Aristotle Aristotle went to a place called the "school of athens"Where hos teacher Plato had tought him everything he knew like what kind of shape these physical objects took. -
Jan 1, 1580
Creation of the compound microscope
Janssens microscope siteZacharias Janssen invented the compound microscope at the age of 15. He is belived to be the first to ever investigste the compound microscope.Janssen was born in 1580, -
Discovering of the illumination system
Robert hooke site Hooke discovered one of the best microscopes of his time and used it to demonstrate to the puplic and the royal society. With Hookes new invention he discovered many new orginisms such as insects,sponges,bryozoans,foraminifera and bird feathers. -
What was spontaneous generation
Sontaneous Generation Spontaneous Generation was the therory that "somthing was made out of nothing". For example if you left a pile of dirty cloths laying around an dadded wheat to it and waited for 21 days you would end up with mice. -
Bacteria Discovered
Antoni Van LeeuwenhoekIn 1678 Leeuwenhoek Discovered 'little animals' in the substance called 'protozoa'. -
Discovering the motion of miniature particals
Robert Brown Brown was a scottish botanist known for disovering the motion of miniature particals in a solution which became known as the "Brownian Movement". -
Every cell stems from another cell
Virchow site Virchow discovered that a whole organism dose not get sick that only the certian groups of cell will get infected. He studied microscopic pathology anatomy for the research of this topic could be studied by the other scientists -
Discovering molecular asymmetry
louis pasteur Pasteur discovered that microorganisms cause fermentation and disease. He later saved the beer,wine,and silk industries in france and made vaccines and medication against rabies.