Homebrew computer club

Homebrew Computer Club

  • first meeting of homebrew computer club

    first meeting of homebrew computer club
    the first meeting of the club was in March 1975 and was the result of a flyer made by Gordon French, who along with Fred Moore, with purpose of discussing the Altair 8800.
  • second meeting of the homebrew computer club

    by the second meeting over forty people came and was held at the Stanford AI lab. This was the meeting where the name became official.
  • input/out put device for the Altair

    Steve Dompier successfully controlled low-frequency radio broadcasting by switching bits from location to location inside the Altair.
  • change in leadership

    Fred Moore was all about sharing and viewed the club's purpose as information sharing. This differed from the majority of the members. Lee Felsenstein took over running the forum.
  • third homebrew computer club meeting

    Bob Marsh and Gary Ingram promote their memory board at the third meeting and the members were accepting of the idea
  • Apple 1

    Apple 1
    April 11, 1976 the Apple 1 was debuted. Stephen Gary Wozniak had the intention of sharing the design freely but Steve Jobs told him he should sell it.
  • Tiny Basic

    Paul Allen and Bill Gates sell their Basic software to Micro Instrumentation Telemetry System which made many of the HBCC members mad.
  • First public display of Sol

    Bob Marsh and Lee Felsenstein design the Sol computer. It has a typewriter-style build in keyboard and video display. The Sol-20 was shown in Atlantic City in Shelbourne hotel. Called Sol after Les Solomon who originally suggested the design.
  • Apple Company

    the Apple Company has a half-dozen or so employees. Wozniak eventually leaves HP company to work at Apple with Jobs.
  • Computer Faire

    Jim Warren organizes a computer faire on the west coast. The Apple 2 would be showcased at this faire. At this time Apple wasn't taken seriously but had managed to secure prime space for advertising and promoting Apple 2.
  • reunion of the homebrew computer club

    Nov. 11, 2013 living members of Homebrew computer club reunite in Silicon Valley.