Latin American Independence process timeline


    (Battle of El Roble 1813)
    By 17 de octubre 1813, the patriot army was under the command of José Miguel Carrera, but due to his delay in making decisions, thus delaying the attacks, he was surprised by the royalist army in El Roble and in the end they triumphed.
    (Additional information)
    The Independence of Chile corresponds to the historical process that achieved the liberation of Chile from the Spanish Empire, which ended the colonial period and began the formation of an independent republic.

    (The Battle of Paraguarí)
    The Battle of Paraguarí was a military confrontation that occurred on January 19, 1811, between the forces sent by Colonel Manuel Belgrano, and the forces of the Province of Paraguay, loyal to the Crown, under the command of its governor, Bernardo de Velasco and Huidobro.
    (Additional Information)
    La Independencia del Paraguay fue un proceso político en el que la antigua intendencia del Paraguay, perteneciente al virreinato del Río de la Plata.

    (The battle of La Victoria) February 12, 1814 was a military confrontation of the War of Independence of Venezuela, in which royalist forces under Francisco Tomás Morales were defeated by the republicans of José Félix Ribas.
    (Additional Information)
    It was the legal process developed between 1810 and 1830 in order to break the ties that existed between the Captaincy General of Venezuela and the Spanish Empire. .

    (Battle of Tucumán)
    It was an armed confrontation fought on September 24 and 25, 1812 in the vicinity of the city of San Miguel de Tucumán, the Army of the North was under the command of General Manuel Belgrano, who was seconded by Colonel Eustoquio Díaz Vélez in his capacity as Major General .
    (Additional Information)
    It was a decision taken by the Congress of Tucumán, by which it declared the formal rupture of the ties of political dependence of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata.
  • PERU

    (Battle of Apacheta)
    The battle of the Apacheta took place on November 9, 1814 between the insurgent troops of Brigadier Mateo Pumacahua and the royal garrison of Arequipa under the command of Marshal Francisco Picoaga, the latter being defeated.
    (Additional Information)
    The city council meets and the Act of Independence of Peru was written, after the viceroyalty troops left the territory

    (Pichincha battle)
    The battle of Pichincha took place on May 24, 1822 between the patriotic forces commanded by the Venezuelan general Antonio José de Sucre and the royalist troops led by Melchor Aymerich.
    (Additional Information)
    The independence process of current Ecuador began with the Quito Revolution, which on August 10, 1809 installed a Sovereign Board. In addition, Quito's independence was part of the process of anti-colonial struggle in Latin America at the time.

    (Battle of the Stones)
    The battle of Las Piedras was the first important triumph of José Gervasio Artigas at the command of the patriot army of the Junta Grande de las Virreinato de España in the territory of the Banda Oriental.
    (Additional Information)
    The expression Declaration of Independence refers to the act carried out by the Florida Congress, made up of representatives of the councils of the towns of the Eastern Province.