
  • Konrad Zuse makes the Z1

    Konrad Zuse makes the Z1
    The Z1 is the first recorded binary computer to use binary. It was made in Germany and was destryed by a bombing in WWII
  • History of Computers, First Generation, ENIAC

    History of Computers, First Generation, ENIAC
    On February 15, 1946, the ENIAC was intoduced. It was invented by John Mauchly and John Eckert. This was the first computer to use electronic valves. It made an impact on the development of technology because it inspired many people to make stored program computers.
  • Computer hardware, Memory, Williams Tube

    Computer hardware, Memory, Williams Tube
    The Williams Tube, was the first RAM developed that was used to store binary memory, Since the electron beam of the CRT could read and write the spots on the tube in any order, memory was random access. I chose this because it was revolutionary, that it could acess memory at random. Inventors Freddie Williams and Tom Kilburn
  • History of Computers, Second Generation, Transistors

    History of Computers, Second Generation, Transistors
    On December 16, 1947 the transistor was invented by 3 scientists, which took the place of vacuum tubes on computers. This was a very important innovation for the Development of Computer Science because it made computers of its time faster, smaller, cheaper, and more reliable.

    first computer to use assembly language
  • History of Computers, First Generation, IAS Computer

    History of Computers, First Generation, IAS Computer
    The IAS computer was invented at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in June, 1952. This was important to the advance of technology because it helped advance the speed of computers, it was one of the fastest of its time.
  • History of Computers, Third Generation, IC

    History of Computers, Third Generation, IC
    The IC, or Integrated Circuit, was invented in 1958 by Jack Kilby. This innovation was important because the IC put three electronic components onto one disc, which allowed computers to become smaller and put multiple components on a single chip, called a semiconductor.
  • History of Computers, Second Generation, ATLAS

    History of Computers, Second Generation, ATLAS
    ATLAS was one of the world's first supercomputers, even though it was still 2nd generation because it used transistors. It was introduced in 1962 by Manchester University. It was important because it helped computers become more powerful, it was one of the most powerful computers of its time.
  • BASIC is created at Dartmouth

    BASIC is created at Dartmouth
    John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz employ a team at Dartmouth college to create a program for students to have a Time Sharing System
  • History of Computers, Third Generation, Operating System

    History of Computers, Third Generation, Operating System
    An important innovation to the Development of Computers was the operating system, such as the UNIX. They allowed computers to run multiple programs at once and have a central program that managed the computers memory.
  • History of Computers, Fourth Generation, Intel 4004 Chip

    History of Computers, Fourth Generation, Intel 4004 Chip
    After the invention of the IC, inventors were creating more chips to hold more components, which kept making computers smaller and smaller. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, allowed computers to perform various demands on one chip, instead of having chips manufactured to fit one special purpose.This made computers faster, smaller, more powerful and more efficient.
  • Bjarne Stroustrup creates C++

    Bjarne Stroustrup creates C++
    Stroustrup founs that Simula could be helpful for large software development, but was too slow, but BCPL was fast not suitable for large software development
  • History of Computers, Fourth Generation, PC

    History of Computers, Fourth Generation, PC
    In 1981, IBM intoduced the Personal Computer, or the PC. This computer was able to be used at home, school, or the office. As time went by, computers continued their trend to become smaller. Apple's Mac was in direct competition with IBM's PC. They went from the desktop, to the laptop, to the palmtop.
  • Computer Hardware, Input device, The mouse, Macintosh 128k

    Computer Hardware, Input device, The mouse, Macintosh 128k
    The mouse had one button and two encoders. I chose this mouse for the best innovation of input devices because the mouse is the all powerful tool in input, It was the only mouse at the time to move around freely. Inventors Apple
  • Pascal created by Niklaus Wirth

    Pascal created by Niklaus Wirth
    Pascal was named in honor of the philosopher Blaise Pascal. Pascal was intended to teach students structured programming
  • software,operateing system, windows

    software,operateing system, windows
    Windows is a long used computer operating system that most people use on their computer unless they have a MAC.
  • Java released

    Java released
    James Gosling, Mike Sheridan and Patrick Naughton created Java, originally, for interactive television, but they were to advanced for digital cables of the time, and finally released as part of Sun's Java platform
  • Hardware, Output, Monitor, Apple Studio Display

    Hardware, Output, Monitor, Apple Studio Display
    The Apple Studio Display was one of the first LCD monitors, I chose this because the monitor in my opinion the monitor is the best output device it shows you what you're doing. Inventors Apple
  • Computer Hardware, Networks, Verizon FiOS router

    Computer Hardware, Networks, Verizon FiOS router
    I chose this Router becuase it works off FiOS which is 100% fiber optic network. It brings you super high speed internet with speeds up to 500MB. It's inventor is FiOS. I chose this because it is the 2nd best internet provider in comparison to Google.
  • Computer Hardware, Removable storage, Blu-ray

    Computer Hardware, Removable storage, Blu-ray
    I chose Blu-ray becuase it changed how media would be distributed. From switching from DVD Blu-Ray it can store video up to (1080p) Inventors Blu-ray Disc Association
  • software, operating system, xmb

    software, operating system, xmb
    xmb is used for playstation 3 and playstation portable it is the operateing system for the gaming consoles.
  • software, operating systems,iOS

    software, operating systems,iOS
    iOS is the softeware that runs all apple products and i chose this because i personally use iOS every day
  • Computer hardware, Networks, Google fiber network box

    Computer hardware, Networks, Google fiber network box
    I chose the google fiber network box because it serves as a router and can provide internet to your home. It offers 1GB internet and is the fastest internet you can buy publicly for your business or residential.
  • Computer Hardware, Hard drive, WD My book 6TB

    Computer Hardware, Hard drive, WD My book 6TB
    I chose this external hard drive because of the amount of memory it can store, which is up to 6TB! It has USB 3.0 connectivity. And has a ton of security features to keep your personal data safe. The inventors are Western Digital.
  • Computer Hardware, Hard drive, WD Blue 1 TB

    Computer Hardware, Hard drive, WD Blue 1 TB
    I chose this hard drive because, it's the number 1 seller on Amazon. It has the most positive reviews and it has 1 TB on it. Inventors Western Digital
  • Computer Hardware, Memory, DDR4 SDRAM

    Computer Hardware, Memory, DDR4 SDRAM
    The DDR4 is a type of a synchronous random-access memory. Which means it RAM synced to the computer bus. I chose this one because it it the lastest and best DDR out right now it is better than the DDR3. The developers are Jedec
  • Computer Hardware, Processor, Intel Core i7-4960X

    Computer Hardware, Processor, Intel Core i7-4960X
    I chose this processor because right now it is considered one of the bests. It has 6 cores and clocks out at 3.6GHz. This would be a good processor for a gaming PC. It is made by Intel.
  • Computer Hardware, Network, iPhone 5s

    Computer Hardware, Network, iPhone 5s
    I have chosen the iPhone 5s because it is the latest and best iPhone out right now made my Apple. It let's you call and communicate with friends and family through texting and social media. Many people say this is the best phone out right now myself included. (I may be bias as I have the phone).
  • Computer Hardware, Input, Razer BlackWidow Chroma

    Computer Hardware, Input, Razer BlackWidow Chroma
    I chose this keyboard becuase it will be the newest release from creators Razer. Razer is a good company with keyboards and mouse designed for gamers. This one features a "Wave" of colors surging through the keys. The color is it's greatest innovation for keyboards.