French and Indian War (Political)
The French and Indian war was a result of the British fighting against the French. It was brought to the North American colonies because the British wanted to take over French land in North America. After the treaty, Britain got most of the French land in North America. As a result of the war, Britain started taxing the colonies to pay for the war. This was a big progress because this is what sparked the colonies wanting to become their own independant nation due to the taxation. -
Period: to
Colonial Life
This is the time period when the colonies were under the power of Britain. This leads to the colonists becoming enraged because after the French and Indian war Britain starts taxing them but the colonists arent in parliament so they cant represent themselves. -
Natural Resources (Economic)
There were alot of cash crops and natural resources in the colonies such as tobacco, indigo, wheat, fish, and lumber. The economy thrived in the colonies at this time. Since cash crops were such a huge factor in the economy, more slaves were imported to help with growing them. This eventually led to the Civil War. -
George Washington (Social)
George Washington was a very important person in colonial life. He was very important in the revolutionary war because he was basically the icon for nationalism. He became the first president of the United States due to his help in the revolutionary war. -
I chose this picture for colonial life because it shows what people looked like and what they did during colonial times. -
Son's of Liberty (Social)
The Sons of Liberty were the enforcers of the colonies wanting to become their own seperate nation. When tax collectors came into town, the Son's of Liberty brutally beat them to show that they couldn't be forced to pay taxes. This I believe was progress in history because if there weren't enforcers then the American Revolution wouldn't have gone the way it had. It also led up to the American Revolution and the colonies becoming independant. -
Period: to
American Revolution
This is when the colonists fight to become there own free independant nation. This lead to the colonies spliting from Britain and becoming there own seperate nation -
I chose this picture for the American Revolution because it show patriotism and that the colonies arent apart of Britain anymore and have become there own nation. -
Tea Act (Economic)
The tea act was started by the british and this act put a tax on tea. This act was a huge economic problem to the colonists because this drink was very popular and bought by most of the colonists at the time. It led up to the Boston Tea Party. This act was important because it led up to the colonies becoming there own independent nation. -
Boston Tea Party (Political)
The Boston tea party was when the colonists dressesd up as Native Americans and revolted against the tea act. They boarded the Briitish ships that were full of tea and took them, throwing all of the tea overboard. The Boston tea party was a very important political event because this was one of the first times the colonists really revolted against Britain. This event was a big progression of history because this led up to the colonies becoming there own independant nation. -
Shay's Rebellion (Social)
Shay's Rebellion was a rebellion organized and carried out by farmers that were desperate to be paid for their service in the American Revolution. The Articles of Confederation was powerless to raise money because it had to be approved by every state. I believe this was a progression through history because it showed how weak the Articles of Confederation truly were. -
Period: to
Formation of Government
The formation of government is basically the U.S forming its own government. This led to Nationalism and one seperate nation. -
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation (Economic)
There were a lot of weaknesses with the Articles of Confederation. Each state only had one vote regardless of its size. In addition, Congress had no power to tax. Also, amendments to the Articles of Confederation required a unanimous vote and laws required nine out of thirteen of the votes to pass. I believe that this led to progression in history because without weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, the colonies wouldn't have noticed that a central government was needed. -
Bill of Rights (Political)
The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to the Constitution. This was the start of rights that every American is granted when they are born until they die. This is a progression in history because this is what makes Americans different and gives Americans their nationalism. -
Louisiana Purchase (Economic) Manifest Destiny
The Lousiana Purchase was a purchase made by Thomas Jefferson and it included Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. This led to more land being gained by the U.S and continued U.S expansion, fulfilling the feeling of manifest destiny. -
Period: to
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny is the belief that go gave American this land and wanted Americans to settle through western land. -
Nullifacation (Political)
Nullifacation is when each individual state is given the choice to say whether a law is constitutional or not; or, whether or not to allow the law in each state. This will eventually lead to sectionalism in the Union. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution led to new technology and spreading out to new land and to Manifest Destiny. -
Immigrants (Social)
A lot of immigrants were arriving to the U.S, mostly German and Irish immigrants. The Germans mostly moved to the west and the Irish stayed mostly in the east. I believe the new immigrants coming to the U.S was a big progression in history because there were more people populating the U.S, requiring them to gain more land and spread out. -
Cotton Sales Increase (Economic)
Cotton sales were increasing because during the Industrial Revolution, there was a new invention called the cotton gin. The cotton gin picked the seeds out of cotton much faster than hand picking the seeds out; however, this also led to an increase in slave labor to help pick the cotton. This was a progression in history because an increase in cotton led to an increase in needed slaves, which started abolitionist sentiments in the North and eventually led to war. -
I chose the cotton gin for the Industrial Revolution because it was one of the many new inventions in the Industrial Revolution. It greatly affected the production of cotton and because there was more production of cotton, there needed to be more slaves. This started people thinking about whether or not they wanted slavery anymore. -
Temperance Reform (Social)
The Temperance Reform was to moderate the drinking of alcohol or ban it completely, called prohibition. However, it was mostly Northern states that banned the selling of alcohol. I believe this was a progression in history because it moderated the amount of drinking and made the U.S more civilized. -
Period: to
Reform Movement
The Reform movement leads to the Civil War because of the abolitionists and the feeling towards slavery in the North compared to the Souths feeling about slavery. -
I chose this picture for the Reform Movement because this was one of the most important movements of this era. This picture displayed freed African Americans. There were many abolitionists in this time lecturing in public places, speaking about how slavery should be illegal. These abolitionists will end up causing some uproar in the South. -
Abolitionists (Political)
Abolitionists are people that opposed slavery, protested and lectured in public areas about how slavery is terrible. This is going to eventually be a big problem. I believe abolitionists are a huge progression of history because the abolitionists were the ones who started seeing that slavery was bad, which eventually led to the Civil War -
Henry David Thoreau (Economic)
Henry David Thoreau was an abolitionist and opposed slavery, lecturing against it fervently. I believe Henry David Thoreau was a history of progress because he was a big abolitionist and opposed slavery like most of the northern states. -
Reasons why people settled west (Social)
There were several reasons why americans started settling the west, such as for religious reasons and the ability to increase their farm land. Another reason is due to Maifest Destiny, the belief that god had given the continent to Americans and wanted them to expand west. I believe this is progression of history because it led to Americans gaining more land. -
I chose this picture for Manifest Destiny because it basically describes what Manifest Destiny is. Manifest Destiny is the belief that god gave us this country and he wanted us to start to gain land from sea to shining sea. In the picture it shows an angel leading Americans west and having Americans industrialize the country on their way westward. -
War with Mexico (Political)
The war with Mexico was fought over land. The Americans fought Mexico for land because they refused to meet and allow America to buy the land. The Americans won and the war was ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. America gained California, Utah, Nevada, and parts of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming. I see this as a progression through history because the U.S gained more land which allowed them to continue to gain land from sea to shining sea. -
North Vs. South the beggining of the Civil War (Political)
The Civil War is started because the North wants to abolish slavery while the South doesn't want to give up its way of life. This is a History of Progress because it puts an end to slavery and allows the nation to become whole again. -
Period: to
Civil War
The civil war was when the North and the South fought for whether to abolish slavery or to not abolish slavery. This leads to the south losing but not going away peacfully to try and keep there old way of life and eventually leads to reconstruction of the North and South -
I chose this picture for the Civil War because it showed how two sides of the same nation fought against each other, while the flags in the background showed the different sides of the war. -
Railroads and Telegraphs (Economic)
Railroads and Telegraphs are essential to the civil war because they allow communication between generals of the war and allow trasportation of supplies, men, and ammo. This was a big history of progress because the North had a lot of these inventions on there sidem which gave them a winning advantage since the South did not have as many of these inventions. -
The End to Slavery and The Civil War (Social)
The end to slavery and the war made a huge impact, due to the victory of the North over the South. This was a huge progression in history because this ended both slavery and the Civil War but, will lead to reconstruction and the south rebelling in a different way. -
Abraham Licoln's Assassination
This was a devastating event that occured in American history. This was when John Boothe assassinated Abraham Lincoln. I don't think there was any progression in history through Lincoln's assasination since Abraham Licnoln wanted to be peaceful in spite of the southerners still threatening their old slaves. -
Scalawags are basically southerners that believed in the reconstruction. I believe that this was a hsitory of progress because it showed that not all of the southerners had to have that way of life to live. -
Period: to
Reconstruction was the time period when the South was still trying to rebel. Eventually this will bring the North and the South back together again. -
Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan was a group formed after the Civil War. The Ku Klux Klan basically intimidated African Americans after they gained their freedom. The Ku Klux Klan mostly lynched African Americans. I dont see this as a history of progress because i dont believe it was needed since African Americans now had rights. -
I chose this picture for Reconstruction because it showed that the south agreed with the KKK because that was there own way of keeping African Americans from voting and basically being free in the south.