The UNIVAC was the first successful electronic digital computer. It ran on magnetic tape and predicted to outcome of the Stevenson-Eisenhower presidential election with only 5 % of the vote as data. The UNIVAC -
The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
ARPANET was an early packet switching network that was one of the steps to developing the internet. ARPANET -
TCP/IP Protocol
Bob Kahn and Vinton Cerf created the protocol that allowed computers to communicate. Kahn And Cerf -
Apple I
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created the circiut borad for the first personal computer. Apple I -
Apple II
The Apple II had a color display, sound and game paddles. Its operating system was stored in ROM and it used floppy disks to load programs. Apple II -
Radio Shack released to compete with Apple and sold 10,000 units in a month. It had a monchrome display and 4 KB of RAM TRS 80 -
The Osbourne was the first portable computer. It weight almost 25 pounds and had a 5 inch screen Osbourne -
IBM PC (5150)
The IBM PC wass marketed to both businesses and consumers and hard between 64 KB and 256 KB of RAM. IBM -
The Lisa
The Lisa was released by Apple and the first computer to that used a graphical user interface (GUI) that made the computer easier to use. Legend has it Steve Jobs got the idea from Xerox. <a hrf='http://www.oldcomputers.net/lisa.html' >Lisa</a> -
HTTP Protocol
Tim Berners-Lee developed and made public the World Wide Web, a subset of the internet that is connected through hypertext. Tim Berners-Lee