History of the PC

  • First PC Connection

    * Scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratories invent the transistor. Miniaturization of electronic circuits via the transistor is a key development making personal desktop computers small, reliable, and affordable.
  • first IC

    At Texas Instruments, Jack Kilby completes building the first integrated circuit.
  • First Minicomputer

    Digital Equipment introduces the first minicomputer, the PDP-1. It is the first commercial computer equipped with a keyboard and monitor. The minicomputer represents an important size and power step from mainframe toward personal computers.
  • First Programming language

    John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz develop the BASIC programming language at Dartmouth College. BASIC becomes the most popular introductory programming language for microcomputers.
  • first mouse and keyboard

    Douglas C. Engelbart, of the Stanford Research Institute, demonstrates his system of keyboard, keypad, mouse, and windows at the Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco's Civic Center. He demonstrates use of a word processor, a hypertext system, and remote collaborative work with colleagues.
  • first 4 BIT CPU

    Engineers at Intel turn a calculator chip-set design into the first commercial 4-bit CPU architecture, the 4004 microprocessor.
  • Microprocessor

    Faggin, Hoff & Mazor invented the first microprocessor
  • Floppy

    Alan Shugart &IBM made the first floppy
  • Networking

    Robert Metcalfe & Xerox the first enthernet networking
  • first consumer computer

    Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers The first consumer computers.
  • Apple computer

    Apple I, II & TRS-80 & Commodore Pet Computers
  • spreadsheet

    Dan Bricklin & Bob Frankston
    VisiCalc Spreadsheet Software
  • First word processor

    Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby WordStar Software
  • computer revolution starts

    The IBM PC - Home Computer
  • Microsoft starts

    Microsoft MS-DOS Computer Operating System