History of the Spanish Language

  • 500

    Origin of the Spanish language

    The Spanish language has its origin in the Latin vulgar of Hispania
  • 700

    Muslim invasion

    The Muslim invassion into the Iberian peninsula created two zones, where Spanish evolved into two sides. Al-Andalus and Romance Languages.
  • 800

    Original Castilian

    Original Castilian originates in Castilia, where was influenced by Basque and Visigothic Germanic languages. Glosas Emilianeses, were one of the most ancient texts of Spanish.
  • 1500

    Iberian Peninsula

    Iberian Peninsula
    During Century XV some families unified their territories in power in the Iberian Peninsula. Antonio de Nebrija, the reign of one kingdom, published the book Grammatica, which is the first book of Spanish grammar.
  • Castilian in America

    Castilian in America
    The Castilian lanuage was spread in America by the Spain colonization to central and south America.
  • Hispanoamerica

    The conquest of Mexico made the Castilian evolve and have some influences with the indian languages.
  • XXI Century

    IN hisponamerica it concentrate the most number of habitants of Spanish speakers.