History of the internet

  • Creation of a network

    Creation of a network
    The network was created in 1969. Advance Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET) created this network. This project was influenced by having a step ahead of the Soviet Union. The network was known as "Circuit Switching where signals were able to go from one location to another unless interrupted. The creators new that circuit switching was impractical and created "packet switching." Packet switching allowed different computers to send messages through the same wires.
  • Email

    The email was created.
  • The Record Keeper

    The Record Keeper
    As more computers joined the network, pack switching ran into issues. These issues included keeping all addresses of every computer being used. Addresses were prone to change, and computers kept being added to the network. Considering these issues, Standford was in charge of being the record keeper of all addresses. This allowed ARPANET to keep growing.
  • Growth of Computers

    Growth of Computers
    Computers were able to grow their numbers to 60 thanks to Stanford keeping record of the addresses.
  • Boom In Computers

    Boom In Computers
    Computers were able to grow up to 100. The network was able to extend to Hawaii, England, and both sides of the United States.
  • First Internet Provider

    First Internet Provider
    ISP was the first internet provider created.

    NSFNET Takes over as the main source of the internet. They have over half a million followers.
  • Hypertext

    Hypertext was originally created in the 60s, but hypertext was used again in 1993 which is used to this day. This was the start to the internet blowing up and companies taking over.
  • First Social Media Site

    First Social Media Site
    Six Degrees was the first social media site to enter the scene. this allowed users to stay connected.
  • GEO Cities

    GEO Cities
    GEO Cities allowed anyone to make their own website and personalize them to their own interest. People were able to grow their business, and stay connected better connected. They became the third most popular site behind AOL and Yahoo. Yahoo bought them that year.
  • Data Centers

    Data Centers
    Data centers were created in the 1960s, but really started making an impact in the 2000s. Currently, big tech companies such as Facebook, Amazon, and Google use data centers to collect data from users.
  • Friendsters

    Friendsters created a site similar to dating sites at the time which caused a massive increase in online users.
  • MySpace

    MySpace had the ability to become the biggest social media platform online. MySpace grew bigger than Friendsters.
  • Facebook

    Currrently known as the biggest social media platform, Facebook was created in 2004 and became known as the biggest platforms for the past 17 years
  • YouTube

    YouTube primary services is sharing videos. They are a big competitor to this day.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was different than other social media platforms considering its limited character, blogging services. Hashtags and hyperlinks were a big part of the website.
  • Creation of Instagram

    Creation of Instagram
    Instagram was created to share pictures of life events with captions. This differed than other social media platforms, because the primary focus was on photos.