
History of the Internet

  • ARPANET Created

    ARPANET Created
    the first computer network that connected universities and research institutions. Key precursor to the internet.
  • Windows

    Windows 1.0 was released in 1985. Was initially made to be a graphical operating system. Enter Bill Gates the former and acclaimed CEO of Microsoft
  • World Wide Web creation

    World Wide Web creation
    The world wide web (www) was created by Tim Berners-Lee the British scientist.
  • HTML

    HTML was created and was known as the standard markup language for creating web pages.
  • First Blog created on the internet

    First Blog created on the internet
    John Halls Links.net was considered the first ever blod, before the term blog came to be. It is still active with [Justins postings](//www.links.net/)
  • Amazon established

    Amazon established
    Jeff Bezos created Amazon in 1994 from inside his garage. Initially it was a platform for selling books and is now the largest marketplace for all purchased goods, including perscriptions and groceries!
  • JavaScript

    Created to expand the Web beyond the limits of HTML
  • Google Search Engine

    Google Search Engine
    Google search engine was created and is the most used search engine to date. Created by Sergey Brin and Larry Page
  • Facebook Created

    Facebook Created
    Was originally named "TheFacebook" by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. One of the first social medias created.
  • First ever youtube video!

    First ever youtube video!
    The first ever youtube video created. Me at the Zoo
  • Youtube Created

    Youtube Created
    Youtube created in San Mateo, CA
  • Twitter created

    Twitter created
    Twitter was one of the largest social networking platforms with a different twist than upcoming platforms at the time because of its 280 character limit.
  • Smartphones

    iPhones were released in 2007, changing and paving the future of technology, internet, and social networking.
  • Google Chrome

    Google Chrome
    Chrome was created to compete with other browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer, ultimately becoming more favorable then both of them
  • Instagram Created

    Instagram Created
    One of the largest and most popular social media platforms, instagram was created by Kevin Systrom
  • Snapchat

    Snapchat was unlink any platforms that currently existed. Users could send photos that would disappear after 10 seconds to friends.
  • TikTok

    Viral app that allows users to creat short videos and post them. Changed the way the music industry operates and who gets famous. Helped coin the term "influencers"
  • Meta Takeover

    Meta Takeover
    Facebook Inc rebrands to Meta and buys Instagram
  • OpenAI

    Artificial Intelligence search engines have rolled out in the last 5 years and changed the way we obtain and search information. Engines like ChatGPT and OpenAI have computers to answer and solve problems in a humanized way.
  • X

    Twitter sells its rights and platform to Elon Musk who rebrands the network as "X"
  • Meta $725M settlement

    Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg agrees to pay $725 million dollars for data breach scandal. Meta Settles
  • Risk of AI in humanity

    Explains the risk of AI in regards to humanity and access to information. Risk of AI in Humanity