History of the Internet
The Internet was created -
Lenard Klienrock packetization paper
Lenard Klienrock releases his paper talking about packetization -
Baren reports
Baren publishes reports "On Distibuted" -
dubets with multiple computation devices
One of the most popular televison series of all-time. Star trek specu;lated on technologies such as voice-recognition, hand-held computing and commuications -
Computer space is released
Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney to design Computer space, one the earliest electronice arcade games -
Commercial networks multiply
The mid-1970's brings a number of commercial networks for corporate customers and professionals to choose from -
Atari introduces its Model 400 and 800 computers
Shortly after the delivery of the Atari VCS game console, Atari designs two microcomputers with game capabilities: the model 400 and 800 -
Apple introduces the Lisa Computer
Lisa is the first commercial personal computer with a graphical user interface -
Acorn Archimedes is released
Acorns ARM RICS microprosser is firsted used in the companys Achimedes computer system -
Babbages Difference Engine #2 is completeed
Based on Charles Babbages's second design for mechanical calculating engine, a team at Science Mueseum in London sets ou to prove that the design would have worked as planned -
BeBoxed is relesed
be, founded buy former apple executive Jean Louis Gassee and a number of former apple, neXT and SUN enployees , releases their only product-the Be-Box -
Everquest is released
John Smedly develops EverQuest -
Eve online is released
Massive multi-player Online Role Playing games begins to blosom -
portal is introduced
Portal is designed by Valve entertainment