Mechanical Calculator
Kelly's article-First mechanical calculator strong enough and reliable enough to be used daily in an office environment
-The mechanical calculator’s calculating is main contribution to the computer system
-made in 1642
-The full date is not known -
Punched Card
Alana's article-Method of data storage and to control sequence of information
-input device, storage device, and hardware
-Without punch cards, the computer would not be able to function properly
-Developed in the 19th century
- Used as a recording medium, a storage data, and used as key punch machines
-Full date is unknown -
Anawat's articleSami's article-The transistor is a semiconductor device that is used to switch electronic signals and power.
-developed in the late 1940s (1947)
-processing device -
Integrated Circuit
-Known as microchip
-Life-changing invention
-Advanced electrical circuit
-Made from different electrical components
-Help computers, motherboards, and other technology to function properly -
Douglas Engelbart
-Invention of the mouse
-It was created in 1964, but patented on November 17,1970.
-The mouse was invented by an American inventor named Douglas Engelbart. He worked with Bill English. They wanted a more efficient way to interact with the computer screen.
-input device -
WordStar Software
Tina's article-Word processor application
-Released in 1979
-Produced for the microcomputers
-The WordStar original operating system was CP/M but it was later ported to DOS
-Full date unknown -
MS-DOS Computer Operating System
Fiat's article- MS-DOS short for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an operating system for personal computer
-It was the most commonly used member of the DOS family of operating systems, and was the main operating system for IBM PC compatitble personal computers during the 1980s to the mid-1990s -Intermidiary between programs and computer hardware -
Apple Lisa Computer
Neena's article-Designed by Apple Computer Incorporated
-First personal computer to allow users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons
-The original Lisa had 2 apple FileWare
-Storage device -
World Wide Web (www.)
Sharon's article-Developed between March 1989 to December 1990
- World Wide Web is a very important contribution
-Processing device