history of digital technology

  • the first computer

    the first computer
    The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage (1822) but was not built until 1991! Alan Turing invented computer science. The ENIAC (1945) was the first electronic general-purpose digital computer, it filled a room. The Micral N was the world's first “personal computer”(1973).
  • the second generation of computers

    the second generation of computers
    The second generation computers were used during 1957-1963. They are also known as transistor computers. The second generation of computers consists of two types of devices, transistors, and magnetic core. Computers made in the second generation were completely based upon transistors, not on vacuum tubes. Until the late 1950s, the use of transistor did not see widespread in computers; however, it was invented at Bell Labs by Walter H. Brattain (1902-1987), John Bardeen (1908-1991),and William B.
  • the third generations of computers

    the third generations of computers
    The third generation of computer is marked by the use of Integrated Circuits (IC's) in place of transistors. A single I.C has many transistors, resistors and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The I.C was invented by Jack Kilby. This development made computers smaller in size, reliable and efficient.
  • the fourth generation of computers

    the fourth generation of computers
    Fourth Generation of computers was between 1971 – 1980. These computers used the VLSI technology or the Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits technology. Therefore they were also known as the microprocessors. Intel was the first company to develop a microprocessor.
  • the fifth generation of computers

    the fifth generation of computers
    The Fifth Generation computers are defined as the computers which will be used predominantly in 1990s. Supercomputers will be used in scientific and engineering calculations and simulations. Database machines and present mainframe computers will be networked in order to organize worldwide information systems.
  • the sixth generation of computers

    the sixth generation of computers
    The Sixth Generation of computers is different from, other generation computers in terms of size, speed and tasks that perform. These computers are called intelligent computers based on artificial intelligence or artificial brains.
  • the seventh generation of computers

    the seventh generation of computers
    The 7th generation of computers is Intel® Core and Intel Celeron processor families feature ultra-low-power, 64-bit multi-core processors built on Intel's optimized 14 nm technology. These processors offer even greater CPU and graphics performances as compared to the previous generation.
  • the eighth generation of computers

    the eighth generation of computers
    Intel first launched its 8th Generation Intel Core family processors in August 2017. While with the release of the new 8th Gen Intel Core i9 processor in 2018, Intel said it would be the highest-performance laptop processor Intel has ever built.
  • the ninth generation of computers

    the ninth generation of computers
    9th gen is the most powerful generation of Intel® Core™ desktop processors, with features and enhancements to evoke excitement in what you love to do. Step up to a 9th Gen Intel® Core™ processor-powered PC and experience the difference.
  • the tenth generation of computers

    the tenth generation of computers
    Intel Core i5 (11th-, 12th-gen) or AMD Ryzen 5 (3000 or 5000 series) Default integrated graphics (such as Intel 730 or baseline AMD Radeon) 512GB or larger NVMe SSD drive.