Tom Kilburn
Developer of five computer with great historial signification.
Kilburn was a Brittish mathematician and computer scientist. Kilburn created the first successful digital program (the softwear could solve matimatical equations). He also wrote one of the earliest example of a souce code ( language; words, numbers, letters or syboles used by computer programmer). He and Freddie Williams also invented the williams-kilburn tube, which was one of the earlies forms of computer memory. -
steve jobs
Steve jobs was a industrial designer, inventor and media properties. He is known for being CEO and co-founder of apple. He became CEO very easy, since at the time apple was very close to bancrupsy. Together with designer Jony Ive he developed a lot of products such as Imac, Itunes, apple store, Itunes store, Iphone and more. Other then apple he is also famous for being a part of the development of the computer revolution during the 70s and 80s. -
Microsoft (short for micro-computer softwear), is the LARGEST computer softwear company.
Microsoft was found by childhood friend Bill gates and Paul Allen in 1975. It was made to develop the BASIC interpreters in the PC, altair 8800, because off an issue with a feature of the device. Later Microsofts operating system started to be used in verious other PC's, today it's called windows. Last year the company had an income of 125.8billion dollars. -
simon personal communicator
The Simon personal communicator or IBM Simon was the first so called smartphone. It was invented by IBM and it was a touchscreen with telephone functions. The size was 4.5 inces to 1.5 inces and it came with a stylus, a pen used for touchscreens. The battary of a IBM Simon lasted for only half an hour. -
One of the core thecnologies of world wide web.
Javascript is a prograrming language designed by Brendan Eich. Javascript is speciall because it runs dirrectly in the browsers, while most other programming languages in webs runs in the server. This can be good since it could make it easier to get for example information, without reloading the whole page.
Javascript can provide interactivity, content update and animation. Therefore Javascrips is imortant when it comes to programming.