sudan history
in the early 19th century, the " jallaba", a group of northern muslim trader mostly from the ja'aliyyin bahr al-ghazal, which became an important source of slaves. the jallaba made their fortunes in the slave trade, although some also worked as boatmen and soldiers. -
sudan history
slavery in the sahel region of aferica is hundres of years old, and sudan was a very active participant in the slave trade until trade until early this century. the south - western region of bahr al-ghazal was one of the most prominent centers of slave trading on the aferican continent in the late 19th century. " class artical" -
sudan history
this picture shows that the people in sudan foght each other for the oil and the had promblems sharing it and on part f sudan did not have enogh and the other side had to much -
sudan history
a series of laws, the closed districts ordinances placed tight controls on access to the south, the nuba mountains darfur and southern blue nile, whose peoples- after "pacification"- were now regarded as needing " protectin" " class artical" -
sudan history
southern policy was abandoned after the juba conference organized by the colonial government, at which southern chiefs agreed with nothern nationalists to pursure a united sudan. acrash program of intrgration followed. "class article" -
sudan history
this picture shows the south and the north getting seperated but both of them want the oil in the cake so they are going to fight for it -
sudan history
this picture shows that the boy has a slime chance of getting away from the war and the sickness that their is -
sudan history
this picture shws that the boys during the war had to struggle for food and that they did not get the food they needed in a diet of a boy so they could have died and go crazy and go agenst each other -
sudan history
in this picture it shows that the northen and southern sudan do not work togther, it also shows what kind of cloths they have and it tells you from were they are from -
sudan history
from the mid-1800s, however, foreigen traders encouraged hostile tribal groups to raid each other for tresure including ivory and slaves. "class artical" -
sudan history
this cartoon represents the south sudan people, they would be crying because they have to much oil because that is going to coase a problem for them, and the western world does not care about them