Brown vs Board of Education
Decision ruling that racial segregation in public educational facilities is unconstitutional. Ended federal tolerance of racial segregation, specifically dealt wit Linda Brown, an African American girl who had been denied admission to her local elementary school, because of the color of her skin. -
Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Children (P A R C) versus Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Guaranteed special education for
children with intellectual disabilities -
Mills versus Board of Education of the District of Columbia
Extended the right to special education to children of all disabilities -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act (VRA) PL 93-380
Defines Handicap person and appropriate education. Prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities in federally funded programs -
Educational Amendments Act PL 93-380
Grants federal funds to states for programming for exceptional learners, provide first federal funding of state programs for gifted and talented students -
Education for All Handicap children Act (EAHCA PL 94-142 Part B
Known as the Mainstreaming Law, Requires individualized education programs (IEPs) -
Board of Education of Hedrick Hudson Central School versus Rowley
Clarified the definition of F A P E -
Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments PL 99-457
Requires states to extend free and appropriate education to children with disabilities (Age 3-5)
Establishes early intervention programs for infants and toddler with disabilities (Ages birth to 2 yrs.) https://specialednews.com/special-education-dictionary/eha-education-for-all-handicapped-children-act/ -
Honig versus Doe
Schools cannot expel students for behaviors related to their disability -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) PL 101-336
Prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in the private sector. Protects equal opportunity to employment and public services, accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications, defines disability to include people with AIDS -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) PL 101-476
Renames and replaces PL 94-142 (EAHCA)
Establishes people first language for referring to people with disabilities. Extends special education services to include social work, assistive technology, and rehabilitation services.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XMndYNEGFA -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA PL 105-17
All students with disabilities continue to receive services, even if they have been expelled from school. Requires students with disabilities to take part in statewide and districtwide assessments. -
Cedar Rapids versus Garret F.
Students must receive the supplemental services needed to attend school -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) PL 108-446
Allows districts to use the response to intervention (RTI) model for determining whether a child has a specific learning disability and no longer requires that a child have severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability to qualify