history of South Africa 1652 - 1948

By mlaas1
  • dutch set up permanent - supply depot - at cape of good hope

  • Period: to

    history of South Africa

  • British seized Cape Colony from the Dutch - first occupation

  • lost power to the Dutch

  • the second occupation

  • British ruled Cape Colony

  • Anglo-Zulu War

  • Anglo-Boer War

  • end of 1st boer war

  • beginign of 2nd boer war

  • Anglo-Boer wars ends - concentration camps

  • anglicization -

  • the Cape Colony, Natal and 2 Boer republics joined and formed the union of South Africa (republic of South Africa)

  • the union of south africa

  • first useof the word aparthied

  • formed Afrikaner party, compaigned for apartheid laws

  • groups area act, geographically seperate the racial groups

  • the seperate amenities act

  • the sharpeville massacre

  • mandela arrested and sentenced to life inprisonment

    tambo led ANC in exile
  • black schools would use the Afrikaan language for instruction

  • apartheid stated as one of eleven crimes against humanity

  • orlando west junior school in soweto went on strike

  • government stated a camaign to eliminate the opposition

  • mandela - free man

  • apartheid abolished

  • mandela - president