
history of psychology

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    early perspective that is emphazied units of consciousness and identification of elements of thoughts using introspection.
  • darwin

    evolution resulted from the processofnatural selection
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    physilogical and biochemical factorsthat determine behavior and mental processes.
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    how thenatural selection favored behaviors that contibuted to survival
  • Whelm Wundt

    Whelm Wundt
    establishes the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig in Germany.
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    early perspective concerned with how organisms uses its perceptial abilities to it's environment
  • William James

    publishes the widely used priciples of psychology in the United States.
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    howunconsciousinstincts, conflicts, motives,and defense influencebehavior
  • thorndike

    in the us conducts the first experiments on animal learning
  • Sigmund Freud

    in austria introduces hispsychoanalytic theory in the interpertation of dreams.
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    individual potential for growth and the role of unique perception
  • Ivan Pavlov

    in russia begins to publishhis classic studies of animal learning
  • jean piaget

    cognitive development in children
  • john b watson

    in the unitedstates champions psychology as the science of behavior
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    the study of observable behavior
  • Skinner

    Skinner box; operant conditioning; placing a pigeon in the box with a disk to peck at for food or water.
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    recieve, store,and process information
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    cultural differncesaffect behavior
  • maslow

    heirachy of motivation.