History of Fashion Magazines

  • First Fashion Magazine: Harpers Bazaar

    First Fashion Magazine: Harpers Bazaar
    1867, Harper’s Bazaar begins in the US, providing illustrations of European designers such as Charles Frederick Worth.
  • First Mens Fashion Magazine

    First Mens Fashion Magazine
    GQ (Gentlemens Quarterly) is an international mens magazine which focuses on fashion, style and culture for men, though it covers articles on food, films, sex and music etc.
  • First Magazine to cover a person of an ethnic minority

    First Magazine to cover a person of an ethnic minority
    Katiti Kironde was the first African woman to model on the cover of a women's magazine. As a freshman at Harvard University she was featured on the cover of Glamour's college issue in August 1968.
  • First Online magazine

    First Online magazine
    In the late 1990s, e-zine publishers began adapting to the interactive and informative qualities of the Internet instead of simply duplicating print magazines on the web.
  • First Magazine to be ceased and put online

    First Magazine to be ceased and put online
    Time Inc is closing the UK print edition of its InStyle magazine and taking the brand digital-only.