History of DNA

  • Mendel discovers principles of genetics

    Mendel discovers principles of genetics
    Gregor Mendel discovers how characteristics are passed between generations using pea plants.
  • Friedrich Miescher identifies nuclein

    Friedrich Miescher identifies nuclein
    Swiss physiological chemist Friedrich Miescher identified nuclein, which we now today as DNA
  • Oswald Avery identifies DNA as the transforming principle.

    Oswald Avery identifies DNA as the transforming principle.
    Oswald Avery identified that a nucleic acid (DNA) was responsible for the transformation of pneumoncoccus bacteria from harmless to deadly when a colony of lethal bacteria was mixed with harmless bacteria.
  • Rosalind Franklin photographs crystallized DNA Fibers

    Rosalind Franklin photographs crystallized DNA Fibers
    Rosalind Franklin used X-Ray crystallography to photograph DNA. This was a major achievement in the discovery process of DNA especially because Rosalind Franklin was a woman in a highly male scientific community
  • Watson & Crick discover double helix structure of DNA

    Watson & Crick discover double helix structure of DNA
    Using Rosalind Franklin's DNA picture, James Watson and Francis Crick were able to decipher the double helix structure of DNA molecules
  • Human Genome Project Completed

    Human Genome Project Completed
    The entire human genome was sequenced by 2003. This feat was completed years ahead of schedule and included the sequencing of over 3 Billion Base pairs!