The History of the Discovery of DNA

By mpecana
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    History of the Discovery of DNA

  • Charles Darwin published the Origin of Species

    A very controversial book as his theory of evolution has contradicted to various religions.
  • Gregor Mendel discovers the principles of genetics

    Gregor Mendel discovers how genes are passed down to the next generation. He tested pea plants and looked at how traits are passed down to offspring.
  • Researchers look into Mendel's Theories

    Gregor Mendel's concepts are finally being acknowledged by scientists.
  • Oswald Avery names DNA as the "transforming principle"

    Published a paper on the effects of DNA on bacteria, how a harmless bacteria can become dangerous. Thus, stating that genetics can cause an organism to go through changes.
  • Erwin Chargaff discovers that DNA composition is species specific

    Erwin Chargaff claims that DNA varies depending on the species. He discovered that DNA with 2 strands have the same amount of guanine and cytosine, as well as adenine and thymine.
  • Scientists find the cause of down syndrome

    Scientists link down syndrome to people with an extra 21st chromosome.
  • Human Genome Project begins

    The project was made to be able to map all the billions of letters in DNA.
  • A sheep was clones

    Scientists were able to clone Dolly the Sheep from an adult cell.
  • The first human chromosome is decoded

    A group of scientists was able to decode a chromosome, which includes 33.5 billion letters