History of Cyberpunk

  • Blade Runner was released

    Blade Runner was released
    Blade Runner is considered one of the first cyberpunk movie. It combines both technology and the decay of relationships between humans and mechines. Resoure:
  • First use of the term "CyberPunk"

    Bruce Bethke pubilished a short story titled "CyberPunk". http://project.cyberpunk.ru/idb/timeline.html
  • Burning Chrome was published

    Burning Chrome was published
    William Gibson wrote a collection of ten CyberPunk stories that were published in various magazines and two were published in the Mirrorshades andthology. Resourse:
  • Mississipi Review Issue

    The "Mississppi Review" published an entire issue edited by Larry McCaffery. The issue was then added to and published again in 1992 by Duke University under the name "Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Fiction." Resourse:
  • The Steampunk Trilogy

    The Steampunk Trilogy
    This was a group of three short novels by Paul Di Filippo. These novels were titled: "Victoria," "Hottentots," and "Walt and Emily,". Resourse: