History of Computers

  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    The difference engine is said to be steam powered. The purpose of the Difference Engine was to calculate mathematical problems.
  • The QWERTY keyboard (first typewriter)

    The QWERTY keyboard (first typewriter)
    The QWERTY typewriter is a mechanical machine being able to type up and apply words with ink. The QWERTY type writer was designed so that the letters on a typical typewriter would not be next to each other. This is because, it is said that the once someone would master the QWERTY keyboard, they would be able to type faster as the letters would not be jammed.
  • Nintendo

    Nintendo is the world’s largest video game company. They have created many game consoles such as Wii, Ds and Xbox.
  • World Wide web

    World Wide web
    The world wide web is information system that is now on the Internet. It allows the user the search up information, on the program.
  • Programmable Compute (Z3)

    Programmable Compute (Z3)
    The Z3 is the world’s first working programmable computer, without programing, how will a computer know what to do? Who knows how the world would be today, without this invention?

    The ENIAC is the first general purpose electric powered computer. Its purpose was to calculate mathematical problems.

    Cobol is the language that computers are programed in
  • Mouse

    The mouse is a device used on a personal computer to move and control what is happing on the screen. The fist mouse was made out of wood and was easily damaged. This invention has led to some incredible types of mice, such as the Bluetooth mouse.
  • Email

    Email today is one of the fastest and popular way of communicating both formally and informally
  • Internet

    The internet is a global network that basically allows you to do anything online. Without the internet, you would not be able to read any of this.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft is a computer soft wear that is used by most computers today.
  • Wi-Fi

    Wi-Fi is a facility that allows electronic devices to connect to the internet wirelessly
  • Google

    Google is a search engine created in 1998. Google, not only being the world’s best search engine, but they have also come up with lots of different projects, like the google class and the self-driving car.
  • USB

    A USB is a portable storage device
  • iPhone

    The iPhone changed the world. The iPhone set the example for all the other phone companies. It created a completion for all the phone companies to beat the iPhone. Without the iPhone, what would phones be like today?
  • Universal Tuning Machine

    Universal Tuning  Machine
    This invention was idea behind modern day computers