History of Computers

By 108854
  • Xerox PARC Research

    Xerox PARC Research
    Xerox set up the Paloato Research Center or PARC. People started reading from computer screens instead of paper.
  • The First Computer

    The First Computer
    The Xerox Alto Computer was the first personal computer.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Steve Jobs co-founded Apple computers.
  • Apple

    Apple was the biggest PC maker in the world.
  • IBM Computer

    IBM Computer
    IBM'S first PC computer was made.
  • Sketch of Computer Design

    Sketch of Computer Design
    Rod and 2 engineers from Texas, sketched a computer design in the House of Pies Restaurant.
  • Dating Game

    Dating Game
    Steve Jobs hosted the Macintosh Software Dating Game.
  • Apple Computer's Flop

    Apple Computer's Flop
    The Lisa Computer was a flop when it made its debut, and John Sculley authorized a $15 million advertising campaign.
  • The Big Debut

    The Big Debut
    Windows 95 made it's debut.