
History of computers

  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Invented by Donrad Zuse. The first ever programmable computer. Resource:
  • ABC Computer

    ABC Computer
    ABC- Atanasoff-Berry Computer. It's considered the first electronic digital computer created by John Vincent Atanasoff and Cliff berry. resource:

    ENIAC-Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator. It is the first electronic computer for solving calculation and problems. It was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. The ENIAC took up about 1,800 square feet space. They used about 18000 vacuum tube, 15000 relays and weigh about 50 ton. resource:
  • UNIVAC Computer

    UNIVAC Computer
    Invented by John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly. The first commercial Computer and it is considered the first computer capable of storing data. source:
  • IBM 701 EDPM Computer

    IBM 701 EDPM Computer
    IBM created its first computer. The machine has 256 40-bit words of memory and was capable of performing 2,200 calculation per second. source:
  • FORTRAN Computer Programming Language

    Invented by John Backus & IBM. The first successful programming language
  • ERMA and MICR

    ERMA and MICR
    Invented by Stanford Research Institute, Bank of America, and General Electric. The first computer for Banks. ERMA computerized the processing of check and account management. MICR allowed computer to read special number at the bottom of the check.
  • WhirlWind Machine

    WhirlWind Machine
    The first digital computer with RAM and graphic
  • The Integrated Circuit

    The Integrated Circuit
    invented by Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce. The 'Chip' for computers
  • Spacewar Computer Game

    Spacewar Computer Game
    Invented by Steve Russell & MIT. The first computer game
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    Invented by Douglas Engelbart. It's called the 'mouse' because of the tail that comes out.
  • Intel 1103 Computer Memory

    Intel 1103 Computer Memory
    The first generally available computer RAM
  • The floppy disk

    The floppy disk
    Invented by Alan Shugart &IBM. It is called floppy disk for its flexibility. It was used for storage
  • Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor

    Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor
    Invented by Faggin, Hoff & Mazor. The first microprocessor for computers
  • IBM 5100

    IBM 5100
    first portable laptop, The computer weighed 55 pounds and had a five inch display. source
  • Apple I

    Apple I
    The first apple computer invented by Steve Noviak. It was sold for $666.66.
  • WordStar Software

    WordStar Software
    Invented by Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby. The first word processor
  • Acorn Computer

    Acorn Computer
    The first IBM PC
  • Apple Lisa Computer

    Apple Lisa Computer
    The first home computer. It was sold for $9995
  • Apple Macintosh Computer

    Apple Macintosh Computer
    The more affordable home computer. It was sold for $2459
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    Microsoft enters the computer industry
  • USB

    USB was created by seven companies: Compaq, DEC, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NEC, and Nortel. USB was created to connect devices to your computer
  • WIFI

    The term WIFI came to computer. WIFI allowed electronic device to connect to the internet without cord by using radio wave

    The first iphone was released. It brought some functions of computer to phone
  • Window 7

    Window 7
    Microsoft launches Window 7. Which provides better interfare