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History of Computers

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    The first machine that actually approximated the idea of a computer. The machine was called the "Difference Engine"
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    Several machines had been built which rivaled the Analytical Engine in complexity.
  • Lee De Forest

    Lee De Forest
    Lee De Forest invented the electric tube.
  • Harvard Invention

    Harvard Invention
    A computer developed at Harvard University by Howard H. Aiken was the first programmed controlled calculator. Very close to a fully operated computer.
  • Transistor

    Development of transistor.
  • Microprocessors

    Microprocessors were developed.
  • 3rd & 4th Generation computers

    3rd & 4th Generation computers
    they were developed
  • Cray 1

    Cray 1
    Cray 1 was discovered
  • Personal Computers

    Personal Computers
    The Commodore Business Machines introduced their first personal computer.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Apple II released.
  • Radio Shack

    Radio Shack
    They introduced a new computer called the TRS-80. It was less expensive than the Apple computer.
  • Intel Microprocessors

    Intel Microprocessors
    Intel introduced the 8086 microprocessor.
  • TRS-80

    It was the most popular computer sold through out the 1970-1980's.
  • IMB>Microsoft

    IMB asked Microsoft to help with the new invention of the PC. They agreed and it became one of the most popular products in the world.