History of Computers

  • Charles Babbage

    In 1821 Babbage invented the Difference Engine to compile mathematical tables. On completing it in 1832, he conceived the idea of a better machine that could perform not just one mathematical task but any kind of calculation.
  • Herman Hollerith

    Helpped create a regulation for punched time cards
  • Jack Kilby

    Kilby was the son of an electrical engineer and, like many inventors of his era, got his start in electronics with amateur radio.
    he died on june 20, 2005
  • Z1 Computer

    Was created by Konrad Zuse
  • Eniac

    Pennsylvania University has four of the orignal Eniac on display
  • 1st-G computers

    Computers made between 1945-1955around the same time world war 2 was begining
  • Univac

    could handle the alphabet and the number system
  • Steve Jobs

    He was the CEO of apple and has been one of the few to get fired from his own company that he helpped build
  • Bill Gates

    Even at age 58, he keeps up with the social media (twitter, he has a blogg)
  • 2nd-G computers

    1956-1963, IBM-1401 was being used at that time

    A computer based program
  • 3rd-G Computers

    we where still using vaccum tubes and it was still damaging the computers
  • 4th-G computers

    1971-To Present
    we now have moved along onto so many diffrent types of computers who still have the basic funtions of the older generations just modified.
  • Altair Computer

    There was diffrent Altair cards with kit or already assaembled
  • Apple 2

    had only 6 colord avalible and the floppy disk was a connection to the computer
  • Wordstar

    was mad in mid 1980s was a word proccesor for computers
  • Osborne computer

    was not suppose to be used for high advanced things such as searching the web.
  • Visicalc

    was the first spread sheet program it was program to connect with the apple 2
  • Introdution of GUI

    Is used in devices now such as cell phones and other elctronic devices
  • Page Maker

    one of the first desktop publisher programs
  • Mosaic

    how and when HTML became avalible
  • Netscape

    Has twofounders Marc Andreessen, James H. Clark and are best known for they're navagation system
  • Excel

    is a microscoft word program