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History of Computers

  • The First Computer

    The First Computer
    The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1822.
  • The first use of the computer

    The first use of the computer
    Charles Babbage invented the computer for one sole purpose; to solve any mathematical problems.
  • The First Generation of Computers

    The First Generation of Computers
    In 1943, a new type of computer was invented where it used electrical switch in the form of a vacuum tube to make the computer to run much faster. This also allowed computers to b able to store memory. But the size of the memory was extremely small.
  • The Second Generation

    The Second Generation
    The first generation of computers were extremely slow. To fix that problem people invented transistors which were like the vacuum tubes but worked much faster. People also started to use magnetic tapes to store more memory than the electrical switches could.
  • Read Only Memory

    Read Only Memory
    Read Only Memory (ROM) is a part of the computer that stores memory which you can only read and not change it.
  • The Chip

    The Chip
    Even with the transistors, the computers were very slow. But luckily in 1963 the computer circuits, also known as computer chips, were invented. This made the computers with the chips to run much more faster. the chip allowed for more memory and for the computer to process data faster.
  • The Floppy Disk

    The Floppy Disk
    The Floppy disk was invented in 1967. Is sole purpose was to store more memory. It could store up to 1.44 GB of data.
  • Random Access Memory

    Random Access Memory
    Random Access Memory (RAM) was invented in 1968. This allows you to store more data and red them and write in them.
  • The Microprocessor

    The Microprocessor
    The microprocessor was invented in 1972 which allowed computers to process data faster, store more memory. Allow input data and produces output data. This made computers much more faster.
  • Introduction of the Computer to the Public

    Introduction of the Computer to the Public
    1975 was the first year where computers were introduced to the public. This was also when the first Mac computer came out. The prices for the computers dropped due to the large amounts of people who wanted a computer for their homes.