
History of Computers

  • Computer Bug

    Computer Bug
    The first computer bug was introduced by Grace Hopper in 1945. "Bugs" are around still to this day, and still screw up computers.
  • IBM's First Computer

    IBM's First Computer
    International Business Machines develop the IBM 701 EDPM computer. It's important because it is the start of IBM's heritage.
  • FORTRAN Computer Programming Language

    FORTRAN Computer Programming Language
    John Backus and IBM come up with with first successful high level programming language. Good programing= Good computer
  • Silicon Chip

    Silicon Chip
    The first integrated circut/ silcon chip is created. Integrated chips are used a lot today and have changed a lot since its invention in 1958
  • Spacewar Computer Game

    Spacewar Computer Game
    Steve Russel and MIT develop first computer game. Where current computer games come from
  • Hypertext

    Andries van Dam and Ted Nelson coin the term "hypertext".\ Hypertext is what makes up all website today. Without it websites would be different.
  • RAM and Microprocessor

    RAM and Microprocessor
    Intel introduces the world's first ever random access memory chip and the first Microprocessor, the intel 4004. RAM and microprocessors are very useful in current day computers.
  • Pong

    First Commercial game is introduced. Current games have branched off the idea of computer games.
  • Windows

    Microsoft eliminates the need for a user to type in commands by using a mouse to navigate through drop down menus, tabs and icons. Without this innovation we would still be typing code into computers.
  • Internet

    Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau propose a 'hypertext' system starting the modern Internet We use the internet a lot in current day. What would we have without internet?
  • Google

    Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998. At the begenning google wasn't very large. It is now one of the biggest companies in the world.