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History of Computers

  • Period: to

    1950s Computer Innovations

    The computer innovations seen in the 1950s. By: Brandon Thomas
  • Random Access Magnetic Core Store

    Random Access Magnetic Core Store
    Jay Forester introduced the Random Access magnetic Core Store which is know today as RAM. It weighed 1 ton and could store 5 megabytes. It cost 27,000 dollars a month in todays money.
  • Fortran

    The first widely used programing language was Fortran. It allowed people to use pseudo-english rather then binary language which is the use of the numbers 1 and 0 to program. It was invented by John Backus.
  • Computer Compiler

    Computer Compiler
    Grace Hopper invented the first Computer Compiler. This allowed computers to understand machine code which made it much cheaper and less complicated to operate because they no longer needed to translate back and forth manually. It was also much less error prone.
  • Transistorized Digital Computer

    Transistorized Digital Computer
    In 1954 the Transistorized Digital Computer was invented by Bell Labs and was known as TRADIC. It took up .085 cubic meters and was composed of 800 transistors. It used 100 watts of power but was still a much leap from previous models.
  • Integrated Circuit

    Integrated Circuit
    Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments invented the Integrated Circuit. It was a way to pack many transistors onto a single chip instead of doing individual wiring for each. This helped to decrease the power and heat consumption of computers which helped make them more economically feasible.