History of Computers

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    The abacus was created by the Chinese. It kept track of numbers by sliding beads across strings.
  • Napiers Rods

    Napiers Rods
    They were created by John Napier. Its main purpose was to help people perform multiplication tasks.
  • Slide rule

    Slide rule
    The slide rule is a manual device used for calculation. It looked like a ruler with a movable middle piece.
  • Pascals Adding Machine

    Pascals Adding Machine
    Blaise Pascal created the first mechanical adding machine.
  • Weaving machines

    Joseph Jaquard used cards with holes punched into them to guide weaving machines alowing intricate patterns to be created.
  • Difference engine

    Difference engine
    Developed by Charles Baggage. It used cards with holes to operate its gears.
  • Analytic engine

    Analytic engine
    Charles Babbages second steam powered engine. Lady Ada Byron Lovelace is considered to be the worlds first computer programmer because she wrote a language for the machine.
  • Tabulating Machine

    Tabulating Machine
    Herman Hollerith used hole punched cards to operate a machine with electrical impulses. It was used to tabulate United Satates census information.
  • Z1 computer

    Z1 computer
    Konrad Zuse created the first freely programmable computer.
  • Colossus

    Collossus was a vacuum tube computing computer which broke Hitlers codes during World War II.

    Worlds First electronic large scale general purpose computer
  • Vacuum tubes

    Vacuum tubes
    Vacuum tubes were created.

    This was the first computer that was commercial and able to pick presidential winners.

    FORTRAN Computer Programming Language became the first successful programming language.
  • Transistor

    The transistor replaced the vacuum tube due to its reduced weight, cost, and its reliability.
  • Spacewar

    The first computer game is made.
  • Mouse and Windows

    Mouse and Windows
    The computer mouse was made by Douglas Engelbart. Windows also came out this year.
  • ARPAnet

    The internet, originally called ARPAnet, began as a military computer network.
  • The floppy disk

    The floppy disk
    The floppy disk was created. It is called floppy because if its flexibility.
  • Apple

    Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs created the Apple. It was the first to have a mouse and a windows type graphical interface.
  • Apple Lisa Computer

    Apple Lisa Computer
    The first home computer with graphical user interface.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee invented the networked hypertyext system called the World Wide Web.
  • ISPs

    Large commercial Internet service providers begin to offer service.
  • Personal Ditgital Assistants

    PDAs become available to consumers. They can play games, music, and download information from the web.
  • Drone pilots

    Drone pilots
    The United States Air fource trained more drone pilots than regular pilots for the first time.