The complex number calculator is created
In 1940, Stibitz showed the complex number calculator to a presentaion at an American Mathmatical Society confrence at Dartmouth College. This was important becase it made a really simple way to solve equations. It began the life of computers. -
Software and Language
A man name Konrad Zuse began to work on Plan Calculas. It was the first thought of the new language of math. This was very important because without the math language we would be living in a completely different world. -
The National Bureau completed the Standard Western Atomatic Computer in Los Angeles, California. This was important because it was a physical representaion of what they believed to be only a thought. -
First Meeting
This was the year of the fist SHARE meeting. A group became educated to what would happen to companies and the educational force. This was important because now days we are extremely effected by technology. This meeting was the start of the thought of how to use computers. -
AT&T designed the first commercial modem. It was the fist signals along a long distance. Withought this we proably wouldnt have phones. I couldnt imagine a world withought phones. -
The fist mini computer was sold. It was sold for 18,000 dollars. This was one fifth the price of the 360 mainframe so it was a total steal. This really shows how much the price in technology has changed. -
Teller Machine
Citizens from Georgia have invented the first automatic teller machine. This was important because we wouldnt have been able to leave messages for people without voicemail. -
Memory Mapped
Lee Frelenstien invented the first visual display memory map. We needed this because this is the reason why we can save thing on our computers. -
Doom is the fist software game. It is released. It is the beguining to all video games. Without this we wouldnt have video games. No one would know you could make an interactive program. -
Iomega disk created
The Iomega disk was created because it was able to atain more information. Approximently, 100 bytes to 2 gigs. It was also very small. This meant it was more portable