ABC Began Development
The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was one of the first ever electronic computers ever developed. The creation of this device is important, because the invention of the electronic computer is very important in our society. -
Colossus Created
This computer was created at Bletchley Park, and it was the first binary-based computer ever invented. It was also partially programmable. The invention of this computer was important, because binary code is used today to program computers, and without it, modern day computers probably wouldn't even exist. -
First Floppy Disk Created
IBM creates the first floppy disk ever at this time, and this allows them to startt storing memory. This invention is important, because floppy disks allowed people to save memory to a device, and then carry that somewhere else. Without them, there wouldn't be flash drives, and computers wouldn't be able to store memory after turning off. -
First Computer Mouse Patented
The first computer mouse is patented and given to Douglas Engelbart. Although, this invention wasn't fully used until the 1980's. The mouse is an important invention, and it would be hard to imagine computers without them. They seem like a basic necessity for all desktop computers, and without them, computers would be completely different. -
Apple II Invented
Apple Computers releases the Apple II, which is the first ever personal computer that has color graphics. All modern computers have color graphics, and Apple was ahead of the times when they released this computer. It is important, because this creation showed the beginning of Apple's success in the computer industry. -
MS-DOS Released
MS-DOS, which stands for Microsoft Disk operating system, was released by Microsoft for IBM computers, and it is a command-based operating system. This event was important, because it was one of the most helpful part of Microsoft's development, and it was the basis of all their operating systems at first. -
Apple Macintosh Released
The Apple Macintosh was the first successful personal computer with a mouse and GUI. This computer being created was important, because it boosted Apple in the world of computers, and turned them into the innovative company we all know. -
Windows 95 Released
Microsoft released Windows 95, and it had an amazing amount of hype. One of the biggest parts was that people could easily access the internet with this operating system. This event was important, becasue it changed the way computers were thought about by society. This operating system made them easier to use, and without it, computers wouldn't be as popular as they are today. -
iMac Released
The iMac was released by Apple in 1998 and it was the main helper for Apple to get back on the computer market, because it was easy to use. This invention showes another example of Apple's innovative ways, and it is important because it showed the world that Apple can still make good computers. -
Google Becomes Largest Search Engine
In the year 2000, Google became the largest search engine, by indexing over a billion pages. This was important to the development of computers, because Google has made many technological advances, and becoming the largest search engine helped start all of them.